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特罗依是那么令人满意。Troy is so sweet.

那是托伊中士。It was Sergeant Troy.

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死或生,特洛伊,请选择。Live or die, Troy. Make your choice.

红颜祸水,这场争论因她而起。She is Helen of Troy in the quarrel.

在遥远而多风的特洛亚战场。Far on the ringing plains of windy Troy.

特罗伊利用自己的地位谋求个人利益。Troy uses his position for personal gain.

帕里斯是特洛伊国王皮安姆的儿子。Paris was the son of Priam, the king of Troy.

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谢里曼挖掘出特洛伊古城。Schliemann excavated the ancient city of Troy.

特洛伊城被希腊人围困了10年。Troy was besieged by the Greeks for ten years.

托伊迈步向前,用口哨吹了一个双音。Troy stepped forward and whistled a double note.

125克或2.75盎司或10拖拉以内的金银bullion over 125g, 2.75 troy ounces or ten Tolas

一金衡磅等于十二盎司或5760喱。One pound troy contains 12 ounces or 5760 grains.

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露西和特洛伊刚偷听到那段谈话。Lucy and Troy have just overheard that conversation.

我打算挑起伟大而光荣的特洛伊战争,这场战争必将流芳百世。War of Troy that shall be famous to the end of time.

节目结束后,托伊到了暗处。When the show was over, Troy went out into the darkness.

特洛伊人高兴地把木马当作战利品抬进城去。Troy was glad to take the horse as the spoils go to town.

阿溪里的勇武是攻克特洛伊城的原因。The valor of Achilles was the cause of the capture of Troy.

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他猛地袭向托伊,用双手掐住了他的脖子。He attacked Troy fiercely, holding his neck with both hands.

但愿她此刻能见到托伊,他会帮她拿主意的!If she could only see Troy now, he would help her to decide!

托伊中士从未像今天这样把剑练得这么好。Never had Sergeant Troy managed his sword better than today.