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这里必须安装安全阀。The safety precaution must be re-inspected.

我把所有的钱都锁在保险箱里以防万一。I took the precaution of locking money in the safe.

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我们必须小心地保护好我们的机器。We must fence our machine about with much precaution.

分权政府是你们能采取的最佳预防措施。Divided government is the best precaution you can have.

我把一切东西都锁在保险箱里以防万一。I took the precaution of locking everything in the safe.

我后来才知道这是另一个安全措施。I have since learned this is another security precaution.

为了以防万一,沿海居民们均被隔离。Residents along the coast were evacuated as a precaution.

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事实上你们可以俯视,作为一个预防措施。Actually you can look down as well as an added precaution.

如果我目前没有得病,是否应该服用泰米弗氯作为预防?Should I take Tamiflu as a precaution if I'm not sick yet?

事实使他们认识到安全防范的必要性。The fact woke them up to the need for the safety precaution.

油性皮肤用什么化妆品预防出青春痘????With what cosmetic precaution does oily skin give whelk? ? ? ?

他闭上眼睛,设法使自己平静下来,不敢有丝毫的松懈。He closed his eyes and composed himself with infinite precaution.

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很多乘客也有相同的看法,认为这些预防措施是值得的。Likewise, many of the passengers thought the precaution was well worth it.

如果寒潮来袭,不采取预防措施的果园将会遭受严重损失。Orchard without precaution will suffer heavy loss in case cold wave occurs.

如果寒潮发生,不采取预防措施的果园将会受到严重损失。Orchard without precaution will suffer heavy loss in case cold wave occyrs.

忽略本条注意事项将导致控温器烧毁或发生故障。Failure to observe this precaution may result in instrument damage or failure.

他采取一切防范措施,这样会使他们在旅行中碰到的危险大大减少。He has taken every precaution that the dangers of their trip will be minimized.

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因为你谋杀了玛萨和其他人,所以这是一个合理的防范措施。DH1215Its seemed like a reasonable precaution since you murdered Martha and all.

尽管如此,陆军部长皮特·格林已经找回的防弹衣作为预警。Even so, Secretary of the Army Pete Geren has recalled the sets as a precaution.

但是这次,他带了铜拳套来,作为一个有限度的预防措施。But, in this instance, he had brought the brass knuckles as a limited precaution.