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我一点也不知道呀!I'm blest if I know!

我一点也不知道。I'm blest if II know.

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仍乐意把生命交在祂手中。Thy life in His blest Hand.

这是神圣的上帝之火。And it is blest fire of god.

祝福大家的新年。Everyone's new year is blest.

多少回我为即将到来的一天祈福。How often have I blest the coming day.

“神的意思是好的”这是幸福的保证"God meant it unto good"--O blest assurance

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受着河水的沐浴,受着家乡阳光的佑护。Washed by the rivers, blest by suns of home.

可,哦!我在她如此诚挚地通过有意But oh! I'm Blest when so kind she does prove

使枯木比活嘴唇更值得豔羡。Making dead wood more blest than living lips.

所以,不要羞于示爱,因为它是一种幸福的,美好的感觉。It still felt blest , but not the concrete of love.

睡吧,闲上眼,愿你睡得香又甜。Lay thee down now and rest. May thy slumber be blest.

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我能想到最幸福的事就是和你在一起!I can think the best blest thing is together with you!

我们无友无爱无财也无宁静住所。Friends and loves we have none, nor wealth nor blest abode.

如果中国民主化,北京奥林匹克在世界被祝福了。If China had democratized it, the Beijing Olympics was blest in the world.

民间更视虎为神兽,借其镇邪辟恶,保佑安宁。Tiger is regarded as angel beast, able to press down evil and blest peace.

所以,不要羞于示爱,因为它是一种幸福的,美好的感觉。So never be shy to show your love, because it's such a blest , wonderful feeling.

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他们没有足够的金钱,但他们却是最幸褔的人,他们拥有快乐的时光。They are no enough money, but they are best of all blest person. They own big-time.

你若能将身、心、灵交在主的手里,必蒙主赐大福享安宁。You can only be blest and have peace and sweet rest, As you yield Him your body and soul.

呵呵,确实有很多不知道,有些即使知道也很不理解。Does God exist?I don't know, but I hope it bless everyone who it should blest if it exist.