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老鸟的毛不易拔。Old birds are hard to pluck.

苊尝试去摘那颗星。I attempt to go to pluck that star.

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这里有颗果实,让鸟鸦采撷Here is fruit for the crows to pluck

把骑马的金童大胆扯拉。Courageously to pluck him from his horse.

生活吧,趁今朝赶紧采下那世俗的玫瑰。Live, pluck the roses of the world to-day.

她想拔掉自己的一些白头发。She tried to pluck out some of her grey hairs.

医得眼前疮,剜却心头肉。Medical have sore eyes, but pluck heartstrings.

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但我会摘无花果的人来之前摘无花果。But I’ll pluck figs until the fig plucker comes.

没有,我想拔掉眉头,化点妆。No, I want to pluck eyebrows and do some makeup.

折下这朵小花,拿走吧,不要犹豫!Pluck this little flower and take it, delay not!

在你迈步前进时把你挽回来。As thou goest onwards still will pluck thee back.

它到猛虎颚下将它利齿拔尽。Pluck the keen teeth from the fierce tiger's jaws.

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所以我们要拿出王冠里的图章。So we have to pluck the medallions from the crown.

你要不要爬上去,把它摘下来给爸爸看?Will you clamber up, and pluck it to show to papa?

他会勇敢而耐心地赛完多半会输的比赛。He will play a losing game with pluck and patience.

一个人弯下腰去摘缠在锹把上的一缕长草。One bent to pluck from the haft a long tuft of grass.

让我把那根线头从你的裙子上拉掉。Let me pluck away that piece of thread from your skirt.

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肚子饿了你就从树上采摘一个梨吃吧。When you get hungry, just pluck a pear off the tree and eat it.

你采集巨大的,黑色的种子并且烹调黄色的肉部分。You pluck out the giant, black seeds and cook the yellow meaty parts.

假如它是一朵花,圆圆小小香香的,我就能。If it were only a flower, round and small and sweet, I could pluck it.