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肩章上这些是金色的条纹?And the epaulets are gold bullion ?

那么,你应该购买金块吗?OK, should you buy bullion as well?

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全球投资者都在买进储备黄金。Investors world-wide are stashing bullion.

窃贼偷去价值1000000英镑的金条。The thieves stole 1000000 in gold bullion.

125克或2.75盎司或10拖拉以内的金银bullion over 125g, 2.75 troy ounces or ten Tolas

福特·诺克斯家的地窖里藏了很多金条。Much bullion is stored in the vaults at Fort Knox.

金锭在警方的护送下运走了。The gold bullion was transported under police escort.

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警方已大举搜捕抢劫金条的罪犯。Police have launched a man-hunt for the bullion robbers.

国王立即赐给阿凡提一褡裢金银。Kingly instantly award A every carries bullion of one Da Lian.

让投资者引以为傲的两类资产是日元和黄金。Two that have done investors proud are the yen and gold bullion.

如意金银条头部为祥云造型,称为“吉祥如意”。Wishful bullion style head for the clouds, known as "good luck."

如果购买一揽子金矿类股,那既能够带来投资金块的诸多好处,又可以面临较小的风险。A basket of them ought to give many of the benefits of bullion with fewer risks.

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奥德赛公司拒绝说明它是否已经发现了葡萄牙黄金。Odyssey has declined to state whether it has found any of the Portuguese bullion.

我们要采购海鲜,羊皮,油菜籽,食品油,小麦。We want to buy Seafood, Sheepskins, Rapeseed, Edible Oils, Wheats , Gold Bullion.

本文发表的时候,比尔·弗雷肯斯坦持有金砖以及黄金期货。At the time of publication, Bill Fleckenstein owned gold bullion and gold futures.

当长期国库券收益上升的时候,你可以期待手上的金银块价格上涨。You can thus count on the bullion price to rise as Treasury bond yields are increasing.

纸币似乎必须能即刻兑换成金条银条才能为人接受。Paper money, it seemed, had to be convertible into bullion on demand for it to be accepted.

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将两种物质的混合物,即俗称的锭,在硝酸中煮沸,即可将金银进行分离。A solid mixture of the two, known as bullion or doré, can be parted by boiling in nitric acid.

这段时间当然就是金块基金的资金净流入势头最为迅猛的时候。Those, of course, were the months when bullion funds reported by far their biggest net inflows.

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