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耐克是个世界名牌儿。Nike is a world-famous brand.

耐吉是我最喜欢的鞋子品牌。Nike is my favorite brand of shoes.

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这个设想与耐克产品上的图案太类似了。It is way too similar to the Nike swoosh.

耐克2010足球广告——你真的看到了吗?Nike Football 2010 – Do you see what we see?

所以,我在耐克公司工作,是一名设计师,So anyway, I work, I work for Nike as a designer

产品的不断研发给耐克公司带来了很多机会。Product development offers Nike many opportunities.

耐克公司在鞋跟响应缓冲放大单元。Nike Zoom unit in the heel for responsive cushioning.

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一些耐克鞋将容纳这个特殊的工具包。Several Nike shoes will accommodate this special kit.

批发新耐克鞋和服装,T-恤,牛仔裤。Wholesale New Nike Shoes and Clothing, T-shirts, Jeans.

耐吉高球团队为冠军队伍美国莱德杯队设计比赛球服。Nike Golf outfitted the triumphant U. S. Ryder Cup team.

当今体育用品行业中,耐克和阿迪达斯是名符其实的巨人。Nike and Adidas are two leading heads among sports goods.

只有如许,执法才气在财务上自力更生。Then, nike air 90, enforcement could become self-financing.

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我望睹败千下万的人们,兴许更多。I saw ten thousand people, nike basketball shoes, maybe more.

巨大的耐克足球猛撞进了一栋建筑的侧面。Large Nike soccer ball was smashed into the side of a building.

我们在第一天拍摄和第二天拍摄之间有一天的休息。We had a day off between day One and day Two of the Nike shoot.

为耐克运动鞋的粉丝而设计的创意高跟鞋。Creative high heel shoes designed for the fans of Nike sneakers.

耐克公司则通过“创意社区”共享“创意作品”。Nike Inc. had a "creative community" for sharing creative works.

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耐克弹力柱鞋在鞋垫下方有一个狭缝。The Nike shox has a slot beneath the cushion that lines the shoe.

莆田市固耐克轮胎有限公司的岗位有哪些?Which does Pu Tian City strengthen post of Nike tyre Ltd. having?

这个耐克训练鞋样的U盘有1G的存储容量。The Nike training shoe USB flash drive has a 1GB storage capacity.