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拉塞尔·贝克,康乃迪克学院,1995。Russell Baker, Connecticut College, 1995

劳伦斯·拉塞尔·布鲁尔21日被处死。Lawrence Russell Brewer, 21, was executed.

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一天,象往常一样,拉塞尔先生去上班。One day, as usual, Mr. Russell went to work.

米尔鼓励罗素向荷莉表白。Mir encouraged Russell to the Holly profession.

比尔·拉塞尔和他的11个NBA冠军怎么样?What about Bill Russell and his 11 NBA championships?

伯特兰。罗素遭受了许多感情问题的折磨。Bertrand Russell suffered a lot of emotional problems.

一座商铺前竖著的广告牌上写著“我们欢迎讨价还价”。A sign near Russell Springs, Ky. , beckons to shoppers.

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玩得很高兴,我还和凯莉·罗素一起工作。It was so much fun and I got to work with Keri Russell.

拉塞尔夫人尽拿些新出版物来惹我厌烦。Lady Russell quite bores one with her new publications.

罗素认为一个语词的意义就是其所指。Russell considers that words'meaning is their referance.

而这些顿悟,其中有很多是来自于拉塞尔对科比的引导。As much as anyone, Russell led Bryant to those epiphanies.

凯蒂·佩里想和丈夫拉塞尔·布兰德生个孩子。Katy Perry wants to have new hubby Russell Brand's babies.

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拉塞尔夫人眼见着这个家庭的衰落,心里感到极为难过。Lady Russell felt this break-up of the family exceedingly.

拉塞尔先生发出一声叹息,他不同意那个年轻人的建议,他认为如果公司那样做的话将花光所有的钱。Mr. Russell uttered a sigh. He disagreed with the young man.

她当时很不满,就好象罗莎琳·拉塞尔正对着巫婆生气一样。She was like Rosalind Russell crossed with the Wicked Witch.

卡尔爱德华艾斯纳尔声音,约旦和新长的声音罗素。Ed Asner voices Carl, and newcomer Jordan Nagai voices Russell.

它配备了两个歌手,词曲作者,埃尔顿约翰和利昂拉塞尔。It features two singer-songwriters, Elton John and Leon Russell.

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罗素4岁时全家搬到澳大利亚悉尼。His family moved to Sydney, Australia when Russell was 4 years old.

拉塞尔认为,他的视野和球商是他最大的优势。Russell says his vision and basketball IQ is his greatest strength.

她说罗素是\“当今影视圈中最性感的男人\”。She described Russell as "the sexiest guy working in movies today".