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像羔羊一样地安静!Quietly as a lamb!

我轻声低语道。I murmured quietly.

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没错伙计们,HTC....静静地....辉煌...Bam...Quietly. Brilliant.

红潮悄悄褪去。Red tide quietly fade.

它打了个嗝,静静地。It was belching quietly.

她安静地坐在沙发上。She sat on the sofa quietly.

凯和塞鲁悄悄地谈着什么。Kiah and Seru talked quietly.

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她默默无言地一直向前走。Quietly she walked on and on.

她坐下来安静地吃了晚餐。She sat down and ate quietly.

悲伤的眼泪,悄悄的化掉了。Sad tears, quietly out of the.

“我认为会的,”他平静得说。“I think so, ” he says quietly.

艾里克斯静静地在那儿站了一会儿。Alex stood quietly for a moment.

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安静地坐着,规矩点。Sit quietly and behave yourself.

副总统坐在椅上,默不做声。The Vice President sits quietly.

我们在月光下静静地坐着。We sat quietly in the moonshine.

踮着脚轻轻走上楼梯。He tiptoed quietly up the stairs.

我在我的房间中默默哀悼。I mourned quietly inside my room.

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安静坐好,铃响才气下课。Sit quietly until the bell rings.

阿莫斯平静地瞅了我一会儿。Amos faced me quietly for a while.

我听到有人在非常小声的说。I heard it somewhere very quietly.