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这本书是沉迷的么?The book is obsessive?

执迷不悟的人并不只有你。Youre not the only one who can be obsessive.

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强迫式的爱情中就有这种状况。This can manifest into obsessive love, " she said."

御宅族是一个日本词汇,它指的是沉迷于某样事物的人。Otaku is a Japanese word meaning obsessive fan of anything.

书中描写了乔布斯的暴脾气以及过分追求完美主义的故事。There are stories of Jobs’ hot temper and obsessive perfectionism.

而她对土地如痴如醉的热爱也足够帮助自己赢得新丰收。Her obsessive concern is hiring enough help to bring in the new harvest.

这些过度的担忧可能是宏观的大事也可能是芝麻小事。These obsessive concerns may either be global or amazingly minor in scope.

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黑塞往往造成繁琐,重复的手工作品涉及迷恋。Hesse often created elaborate, handmade pieces involving obsessive repetition.

它那令人着迷的清晰被证明是数字化信息的最佳蓝本。Its obsessive clarity turns out to be theperfect basis for digital information.

着迷于他们的木材,往往积累收藏大量木材。Luthiers are obsessive about their wood and often accumulate huge stashes of it.

执迷于术业专攻的风险在于,如果那个行业消亡,你该怎么办?The danger of obsessive specialisation is that if that field dies, where do you go?

过长的禁闭可能引发强迫行为或谵妄。extended solitary confinement is likely to induce either obsessive behavior or delirium.

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兰德和乔布斯一样,也是崇尚完美主义的审美家,对产品设计迷恋至极。Land, like Jobs, was a perfectionist-aesthete, exhaustively obsessive about product design.

她担心为防止儿童肥胖症所作的工作会让女孩们被体重问题所困扰。She worries that childhood obesity-prevention efforts can make girls obsessive about weight.

60年前,在固执地寻找鲁恩石源头时,他迫降于鲁恩。He had crashed on Roon 60 years earlier, on a obsessive search for the source of the Roonstones.

孩子患了强迫症怎么办?可纠正父母不良性格。Children suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder how to do?Parents can correct bad character.

小剂量奥氮平可作为增效剂用于治疗强迫症。Small dose of Olanzapine can be effectively used as a potentiator for obsessive compulsive disorder.

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该书围绕联邦调查局的一名探员对诺拉·辛克莱这个女连环杀手紧追不舍的故事展开。The story revolves around an FBI agent's obsessive pursuit of a female serial killer, Nora Sinclair.

这样,如果某个用户着迷于某篇文章,他可以密切关注文章的最新进展。This way if a user is obsessive about an article, they can keep a close eye on related developments.

在这个时期的评论中,她对其他影评家的关注近乎痴迷。Her reviews from this period focus an attention on other reviewers that becomes borderline obsessive.