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桑斯把刘先生和一位电影制作者相比较。Sans compares Liu to a filmmaker.

不带这种衬线的字母称作无衬线字母。Alphabets without serifs are called sans serif.

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我抱紧我的胳膊,匆匆赶回家。I crossed my arms and hurried home, sans tacos.

摩纳哥,阿尔贝二世,2007,1欧元没有不同。Monaco, Albert II, 2007, 1 euro sans différents.

我儿子没车,他还好好地活着而且还在大学里茁壮成长。My son lives, and thrives, sans car, at college.

没酒,没歌,没歌手——更没终点!Sans Wine, sans Song, sans Singer, and—sans End!

比如说,它应该是一个衬线字体还是一个无衬线字体呢?Should it be a serif or a sans serif for example?

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“这是一种没有界面的信息,”Griffey说。"It is information sans interface," Griffey said.

当然,有些马拉松好手确实穿胶底运动鞋跑步。True, some elite marathoners do run sans sneakers.

他说他今晚来和我一起吃个便饭。He said he would come and dine with me, sans facon.

几何形状的无衬,全帽印刷术提供配合。The geometry of the sans serif, all-caps typography provided that tie.

为什么不能是一个纯粹的,不捎带无用且难看的手提盒的粉色掌上游戏机?Why can't it simply be a pink PSP, sans the rag and ugly carrying case?

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为什么不能是一个纯粹的,不捎带无用且难看的手提盒的粉色掌上游戏机?Why can’t it simply be a pink PSP, sans the rag and ugly carrying case?

杰罗姆•桑斯和梅建平对艺术的未来都相当乐观。Both Mr. Sans and Prof. Mei were fairly sanguine about the future of art.

我哪里还有心情买玉米饼,抱著双臂急匆匆的回家了。I crossed my arms and hurried home, sans tacos. So, I’ve been there, Linds.

无国界医生组织也一直在埃多州协助控制工作。Médecins sans Frontières has also been assisting control efforts in Edo State.

许多俱乐部和画廊现在都把这些女郎雇来制造气氛,即使没有了素描的元素。Many clubs and galleries now hire the gals for atmosphere sans the sketch element.

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一般来说,字体大小应该小于10号,尽量不要使用难以辨认的字体。The font size should be no smaller than 10 point, standard serif or sans serif fonts.

残疾程度随病程的延长、SANS评分的增高而加重。The deformity level was becomed severe by lengthened ill time and higher of SANS grade.

中子小角散射实验测量和原始数据的处理方法相对较复杂。The process of SANS measurement, and the raw data reduction, is relatively complicated.