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这是卡萨诺瓦的宅邸吗?Is this the palazzo of Signor Casanova?

在意大利期间,皮特一家居住在一栋十五世纪的府邸建筑里。They have been based in a 15th century palazzo during their stay.

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在1592年,多纳塔是一项崇高的女孩在大运河上的宫殿生活。In 1592, Donata is a noble girl living in a palazzo on the Grand Canal.

它用巨大的石块建造城墙和宫室,非常坚固。It used huge stones walls and the construction of Palazzo Ducale, very strong.

可以将裤管向上卷起,打造锥形感觉,或者保持裤腿的宽大,将睡裤的感觉进行到底。Taper them in with a turn-up or keep them wide of leg, continuing the palazzo feel.

马库斯骑马的雕塑在宫殿前面,拉齐奥,意大利。Equestrian status of Marcus Aurelius in front of the Palazzo Senatorio. Rome, Lazio, Italy.

著名的建筑作品有法内仙纳庄园和罗马的马西米宫。His outstanding architectural works are the Villa Farnesina and the Palazzo Massimi in Rome.

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这些科学家们的错误之处,以我的见解,在于他们选择了美第奇-里卡迪宫作为观测场所。Their mistake, I fear, lies in their choice of the Palazzo Medici Riccardi as the test site.

我们签出与一些朋友在星期六晚上,内宫饭店斛城市热点。We checked out an urban hot spot with some friends on Saturday night, Lavo inside the Palazzo Hotel.

这件雕塑作品也是今日正式开始的皇家博物馆卡特兰作品展的展品之一。the sculpture is part of an exhibition of the artist's works at the museum palazzo reale, which opens today.

奥斯蒙德甚至比平时更加强调,罗卡内拉宫的这一对夫妇过着非常和睦的家庭生活。Osmond made more of a point even than usual of referring to the conjugal harmony prevailing at palazzo roccanera.

我记不起是如何回到主人的宫殿的,不知何故,似乎只有片刻功夫,他就己经把我抱回了床上。I don't remember the journey back to the palazzo. It seemed that somehow in a matter of moments he had put me in bed.

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还值得一游的院长画廊有大型文集由雕塑家爱德华宫和毕加索。Also worth visiting is the Dean Gallery which has a large collection of works by sculptor Eduardo Palazzo and Picasso.

那是一幅威尼斯风景画,画面上是金碧辉煌的大理石宫殿,还有一位从平底狭长小船上伸手戏水的贵妇人。It was a Venetian scene, with a perfectly splendid marble palazzo and a lady in a gondola trailing her hand in the water.

我们在2012夏季预览系列看到了很多飘逸的宽松长裤,我们还看到了设计师们对加乌乔牧人风格宽松裤的进一步探索。Pre-summer 2012 saw the brilliant palazzo pant still at large, but we also saw designers experiment further with the gaucho pant.

他不敢浪费时间,正想回到勃拉西诺府去,突然他的脑子里闪过了一个念头。He was , therefore , about to return to the palazzo bracciano without loss of time , when suddenly a luminous idea crossed his mind.

在维琪奥宫可以看到更多米开朗基罗的作品,这栋修建在1299年至1322年曾是佛罗伦萨政府的地点地。More of Michelangelo's work can be seen in the great Palazzo Vecchio. This building housed the Florentine government from 1299-1322.

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在维琪奥宫可以看到更多米开朗基罗的作品,这栋建筑在1299年至1322年曾是佛罗伦萨政府的所在地。More of Michelangelo's work can be seen in the great Palazzo Vecchio. This building housed the Florentine government from 1299-1322.

酒店拥有一个餐厅和一个酒吧维多利亚为客人和当地人交流和享受美食和美味的酒。Palazzo Victoria boasts one restaurant and one bar for both guests and locals to interact and enjoy fine dining and delectable libations.

这个词最初的意思是指用于休闲活动的小别墅、凉亭或者大帐篷,通常是地面上的大型意大利式的乡村别墅或者豪华邸宅。The term originally meant a small villa, summerhouse or pavilion built for pleasure, usually on the grounds iof a larger Italian villa or palazzo.