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低负载级别能力。Low load level capability.

预读编辑功能。Preread editing capability.

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那不仅仅是能力的问题。It is not just about capability.

增加了校正时间能力。Added real-time plotting capability.

他们都具备获胜的能力。They both have the capability of winning.

具有良好的耐低温性能。Good withstand low temperature capability.

决定破产管理能力的是什么?And what determines receivership capability?

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第四,有助于做市商做市能力的提高。Fourth, market-making capability is improved.

在550D的视频能力也非常好。The 550D's video capability is excellent too.

化育整合能力,落实团队合作。Honoring integrative capability and team work.

利用“单点登录”功能。Take advantage of "Single Sign-On" capability.

这将极大增强它的能力。This would greatly enhance the its capability.

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成功与否取决于你的努力和能力。Sucess depends on your endeavor and capability.

单载波几乎没有能力给你。A single carrier gives you almost no capability.

受灾国的灾难应对能力。Affected country's disaster response capability.

增强客户创造价值的能力。Enhance the Customers' value-creation capability.

这是制造能力的大众化。Talk about democratized manufacturing capability.

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理解与信奉“阶梯性”。Understand and embrace the "capability gradient".

我把所有的能耐都拼上了,买了一辆出租车。I have all the capability to fight on, buy a taxi.

微软讲究的是开拓创新能力。Microsoft, the emphasis is on innovation capability.