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我是德克斯特埃默森。This is dexter emerson.

这些诗都是爱默生写的吗?。Were all the poems written by Emerson?

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这些诗都是爱默生写的吗?。Were asl the poems written by Emerson?

这些诗都是爱默生写的吗?。Were hasl the poems written by Emerson?

拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生,一个文学先驱。Ralph Waldo Emerson. A literary pioneer.

爱默生和阿尔科特都去了。Emerson and Alcott have been to hear him.

Emerson是那里的一位数据分析调研员。Emerson is a research data analyst there.

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中场居中的位置由埃默森与迪亚拉占据着。The midfield was taken by Emerson and Diarra.

爱默生受不了这样循环的怪圈。Emerson could not stand this repetitive cycle.

埃默林把它踢入了哥伦比亚队的区域。Emerson kicks it deep into Columbia territory.

埃默森把球远远地踢入了哥伦比亚队的区域。Emerson kicked it deep into Columbia territory.

我发现埃默森把鞋底都给擦干净了。I saw that Emerson had even scrubbed the soles.

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在关于与埃默森的争吵上你能否透漏一些信息?Can you shed some light on the Emerson controversy?

艾默生是一块试金石,塞林格经常在信里引用他的话。Emerson was a touchstone, and Salinger often quoted him in letters.

于是,这个是孟加拉的拜论,那个是孟加拉的爱默生,如此等等①。Thus one was the Byron of Bengal, another the Emerson and so forth.

艾默生设计、施工和监督这个交钥匙工程。Emerson is designing, engineering and supervising this turnkey project.

西勒顿教授是新港上流社会的眼中钉。Professor Emerson Sillerton was a thorn in the side of Newport society.

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艾默生过程控制奖学金每学年评选一次。The Emerson Process Management Scholarship will be awarded once a year.

这些话出片于著名的思想家哈里?爱默生?福斯迪克博士之口。These are the words of the well-known thinker Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick.

对于没有做的事情,最需要的就是想着去做它。-------巴尔。塔萨。塔拉西安。The reward of a thing well done is to have done it . ------R. W. Emerson.