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这幅画是在1921年通过遗赠获得的。The picture was acquired by bequest in 1921.

慕夏为祖国留下的遗产受到了残酷而冷淡的对待。Mucha's bequest to his country was received with unkindly cold shoulders.

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但是,因为附有条件,这份遗产便失去了一半价值。but he left it to him on such terms as destroyed half the value of the bequest.

贾森先生的律师发现他的遗愿是将他所有的遗产赠与瘫痪的人和丧失劳动力的人。Mr. Jason's lawyer found that his will was bestowing his entire bequest to benumbed and labor bereaved people.

从而引发新闻媒体密切关注,米老师临终前将300万遗赠给盲人按摩师小咪。Giving rise to the news media closely, rice will be 3 million teachers deathbed bequest to the blind masseur Hsiao Mi.

可是如果我们离世,现实生活中的财产由亲人继承,这些数字遗产又该怎么办呢?If we die, can be, the belongings in real life accedes by the family member, how should these digital bequest do again?

为了继承伯父的巨额遗产,他决心遵守伯父“死都要蒲”的遗嘱。For the bequest of a huge sum of successive uncle, he is determined to abide by an uncle " want cattail to death " will.

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可是德•坎特尔先生不同意妻子接受这位伯爵一百万法郎的遗赠,说是这样做会有损她的声誉。De Cantel objected to the Count's bequest of one million francs, however, on the grounds that appearances would compromise her.

朱欧是多颗保罗.哈理斯之友、保罗.哈理斯协会会员、扶轮基金永久基金捐献人以及遗赠协会会员。Joe is a multiple Paul Harris Fellow, member of The Paul Harris Society, Foundation Benefactor, and a member of the Bequest Society.

在一个农民的家族中,举例,当继承遗产的序位不受到尊重时,这种经历就是一次大的不公正。In a farmers' family, for example, whenever the order of bequest is not being respected this is being experienced as a great injustice.

本文建立一个考虑价格不确定性因素,遗赠动机,和预期重出售下的跨时房屋需求模型。This paper establishes an intertemporal housing demand model considering the price uncertainty, bequest motives, and resale of housing.

反之,对于具有低额的非资本所得及高遗赠动机的个人而言,当预期未来价格上升时,其目前的自有房屋需求会减少。On the other hand, the owner-occupied housing demand ofanindividual with a low non-capital income andahigh bequest motive would be decreased.

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在长期的过程中有广泛的基础,它是中国长远社会实践中积累一个宝贵和多元化的文化遗产。It has wide foundation during the mass, it is an precious and varied culture bequest which Chinese accumulate during the long social practice.

老妇人给后世的这份唯一遗赠,于是出现在了北爱尔兰精神健康协会新闻杂志的圣诞特刊中。The old lady's sole bequest to posterity has since appeared in the Christmas edition of the News Magazine of the North Ireland Association for Mental Health.

那些自以为会是遗产受益人的亲友们聚集在法官席前,他们急着想知道自己将得到的好处或者说遗产。The relatives who believed they would be beneficiaries gathered in front of the judge's bench. They were anxious to hear what benefits of bequest they would receive.

那些自认为会是遗产受益人的亲友们聚集在法官席前,他们急着想知道自己将得到的好处或者说遗产。The relatives who believed they would be beneficiaries gathered in front of the judge’s bench. They were anxious to hear what benefits of bequest they would receive.

对于具有高额的非资本所得及低遗赠动机的个人而言,当预期未来价格上升时,其目前的自有房屋需求会增加。If the future housing price is expected to rise, the owner-occupied housing demand of an individual with a high non-capital income and a low bequest motive would be increased.

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佣人眼馋阿尔蒂继承的大笔遗产,他找来了自己的外甥桑杰,让他勾引单纯善良的阿尔蒂。A good deal of bequest that the base of a fruit of Er of A of servant be envious accedes, he looked for his nephew Sang Jie, let the Aerdi with his pure and kind-hearted accost.

史密森学会成立于1846年,是由英国人詹姆斯遗赠给美国政府,其目的是创立一个“增长知识和传播知识的“机构。The Smithsonian was established in 1846 with the bequest to the US government by Englishman James Smithson to create an institution "For the increase and diffusion of knowledge."

安迪是位钜额捐献人、赠协会创会会员和扶轮基金永久基金捐献人。他为扶轮基金会特优服务奖和扶轮基金会有功服务奖的受奖人。Andy is a Major Donor, Charter Bequest Society member , and Foundation Benefactor. He is recipient of the Distinguished Service Award and the Citation for Meritorious Service award.