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人们习惯性地把他与克伦威尔作比。He was routinely likened to Cromwell.

你可能惯常地跳过一个步骤。You may be routinely skipping a step.

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警察通常是没收被偷盗的赃物.Police routinely confiscate stolen property.

公司有一种惯常做法叫做"股票分割"Companies routinely do what are called "splits."

甚至宝洁在它的产品发布上都是那老一套,令人厌恶。Even P&G routinely whiffs with product rollouts.

他跟另一个地勤人员进行了例行的无限电联络。He routinely radioed another agent on the ground.

我们常规使用血管内超声指导介入。We use IVIS routinely for guiding the intervention.

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频繁缺课的学生成绩通常偏低。Students who routinely miss classes get lower grades.

我们常常不需要为了其他形式的水付钱。We routinely do not pay for most other forms of water.

飞行员跟另一个地勤人员进行了例行的无线电联络。The pilot routinely radioed another agent on the ground.

工厂应落实对设施进行日常查视的安排。The factory should conduct facility inspections routinely.

偏偏最后掉下的红苹果,嗵常是酸的。Yet the last apple fallen from the tree is routinely sour.

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驾驶员还老是沿街道错误的一边快速行驶。Drivers routinely barrel down the wrong side of the street.

他如往常一样声嘶力竭地训斥着手下的员工。He routinely reprimanded employees at the top of his lungs.

组70例病人应用常规方法行颈内静脉置管。Another 70 cases as group B were detained tube as routinely.

人们断言警察通常虐待囚犯。It is claimed that the police routinely brutalize prisoners.

尽管有这样的警告,Endris还是照常在这些水域里冲浪。Despite the warnings, Endris routinely surfed in such waters.

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所有的成年狗至少每半年要例行打一次虫。All adult dogs are routinely wormed at least every six months.

右侧双腔支气管导管应常规使用纤维支气管镜定位。Moreover right-sided DLT should be routinely positioned by FOB.

艺术家们常常嘲笑生意人钻进了钱眼儿里。ARTISTS routinely deride businesspeople as money-obsessed bores.