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伯顿呷了一口杜松子香槟酒。Burton sipped his gin fizz.

点击贝克和菲丝看看糖果飞出来。Click on Jake and Fizz to see the confetti fly!

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不好!“她说,”顺便说一下,我的名字是菲丝。No! "she said, "and my name is Fizz by the way.

如果你把气放掉了,这汽水喝上去就很淡,没啥味道了。The soda will taste bland if you let the fizz out.

财产价格泡沫,抑或香槟之王的泡沫?Is that an asset-price bubble or just the fizz of Dom Pérignon?

我们酒吧供应多种鸡尾酒,如马提尼、红粉佳人、金菲士等。Our bar serves a number of cocktails, such as Martini, Pink Ladies, and Gin Fizz.

目前,华能公司通过向饮料公司出售添加到饮料中增加气泡的二氧化碳盈利。The company is profiting by selling carbon dioxide to beverage companies to add fizz to their drinks.

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这麦酒比布丁是优秀的与a香槟象嘶嘶响和光柑橘结束-更多冰糕。This pale ale is excellent with a champagne-like fizz and light citrus finish – more sorbet than pudding.

可是中国男人会喜欢一个圆圆大眼睛,白皮肤的金发女郎吗?But are round-eyed white-skinned blonds attractive to Chinese men beyond the quick fizz of a status conquest?

“哦,亲爱的。有什么不对劲吗?”王子兴奋地问。“床上有个可怕的突起。”菲丝回答。"Oh dear, what was wrong?" asked the Prince in a tizz. "There was a terrible bump in the bed, " replied Fizz.

饮料我们可以选择牛奶或者热橘子味的茶,味道就像没有气泡的消食片。To drink we have a choice of either milk or a hot orange-flavored tea that tastes like Alka-Seltzer without the fizz.

最后,将柠檬汁倒入发酵粉中,直到嘶嘶冒泡。等待15分钟,排水管便畅通如初了。Lemon juice is poured over the baking soda, causing it to bubble and fizz. After 15 minutes, the sink is draining smoothly.

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你打开了罐子然后听到了“砰”的一声。苏打水在你喝第一口的时候使你的鼻子变痒了。是什么让这种液体在喝的时候拥有这么多的乐趣?You open the can and hear a "pop". The fizz tickles your nose as you take a sip. WHat makes this liquid so much fun to drink?

其实有很多的品种,拿些柠檬水,榨些酸橙汁到甜瓜里,将葡萄柚添加到沙拉里,用这些来代替喝苏打水,橙汁加到苏打水里也可以。For variety, make lemonade, squeeze limes on melon, add grapefruit to salad, and instead of drinking soda, fizz up OJ with sparkling water.

只活跃在小型俱乐部里的是四重奏和五重奏的实况演奏。柯川很幸运地被两位高超的伴舞乐队指挥和老师雇佣,他们是迈尔斯?戴维斯和赛罗尼斯-蒙克。The fizz was in small clubs where quartets and quintets played live, and Coltrane was lucky to be hired by two superb bandleaders and teachers, Miles Davis and Thelonious Monk.

当春天到来,冰雪消融时,这些沼气泡泡会嘶嘶作响,场景很是壮观——但是如果恰巧周围有人在划火柴,大量的沼气会引发一场巨大的爆炸。Come spring, when the ice melts, the methane bubbles pop and fizz in a – but if anyone happens to light a match nearby, the masses of methane will ignite into a giant explosion.

开启酒瓶时软木塞的砰然声,气体释放时的咝咝声,倒入酒杯时诱人的嘶嘶声,还有什么可以配得上两人世界的情人节烛光晚宴呢?。The pop of opening cork, the sigh of release of gas, and the gentle, alluring fizz as the glass fills. What could go better with a candlelit dinner just for two on Valentine's Day?

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当春天到来,冰雪消融时,这些沼气泡泡会嘶嘶作响,场景很是壮观——但是如果恰巧周围有人在划火柴,大量的沼气会引发一场巨大的爆炸。Come spring, when the ice melts, the methane bubbles pop and fizz in a spectacular release – but if anyone happens to light a match nearby, the masses of methane will ignite into a giant explosion.