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他把他所有多余的时间用在航空学上。He devoted every spare moment to aeronautics.

航空学使我们能征服远距离。Aeronautics enables us to overcome great distances.

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航空工程师必定要考虑到现实。Aeronautics engineer takes into consideration of reality.

我叔叔当时正在昆士兰大学学习航空学。My uncle was studying aeronautics at Queensland University.

吉普斯兰航空则是单引擎通用飞机制造商。Gippsland Aeronautics builds single-engine utility aircraft.

先进航空学将会改变阿波罗和舰载机的加速器颜色。Advanced Aeronautics booster color changes for Apollo and Carrier Drones.

以色列公司Aeronatics研发了一种无人机版本的DA42MPP。Israeli company Aeronautics has developed an unmanned version of the DA42 MPP.

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不过这只是她一大爱好,她本想学习航空或天文作为职业。Although it was a great hobby for her, she wanted to study aeronautics or astronomy as a career.

1997年她毕业于北京航空航天大学国际贸易专业。She graduated at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in International Trade in 1997.

学生能够在航空航天课程中获得他们的超轻型飞行执照。Students can obtain their ultra-light pilot's licence as part of the Aeronautics Engineering course.

他在清华大学获得自动化专业学士和硕士学位。Jibing Chen got both Bachelor's and Master degree from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

统筹其成员各自的努力,进一步推广航空和航天遍及世界各地。To co-ordinate its Members' separate efforts to further aeronautics and astronautics throughout the world.

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进化硬件在航空航天电子系统中有巨大的应用价值和潜力。Evolvable Hardware has high value and huge potential use in electronic systems of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

目前进行轴流泵叶轮设计多参考航天航空领域内的翼型。Now when people design impeller, they frequently had reference to the airfoils of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

航天只要涉及到军事技术,就远远不止航空学、算机模拟这么简单了。With regards to military technology, space programs go beyond simple aeronautics and computer-simulation models.

由于雄心勃勃的项目,太阳能脉冲创始人伯特兰皮卡德看到更多的只是作为航空比。As ambitious as the project is, Solar Impulse founder Bertrand Piccard see it as more than just about aeronautics.

目前,时间生物学领域中许多处于领先地位的研究工作都是由国家航空和航天局资助的。Much of the leading work in chronobiology is sponsored today by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

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实际上,小型无人机技术是一个跨越工程领域的技术,从传统的航空工程到仿生工程。In fact, miniature UAV technology has crossed the engineering threshold from traditional aeronautics to biomimicry.

除了高级航空学外,每一个协议都可以对敌军单位和建筑造成直接伤害。With the exception of Advanced Aeronautics , each of these protocols deals direct damage to enemy units and structures.

贝尔同样因为许多里程碑一样的发明而闻名,包括他在在光纤通信、水翼艇技术和航空学的研究。Bell is also known for many other landmark inventions including his work in optical telecommunications, hydrofoils and aeronautics.