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苏克雷随即离开了。Sucre leaves.

在叶子上?On the leaves?

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我触摸树叶。I touch leaves.

她会离他而去。She leaves him.

树叶纷飞。The leaves fly.

树叶变红了。Leaves turn red.

我长出新叶。I get new leaves.

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我喜欢新叶。I love new leaves.

落叶小乔木。Leaves small trees.

那些叶子是大的。The leaves are big.

他的妻子离开了他。His wife leaves him.

它的树叶是绿色的。Its leaves are green.

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树叶在秋天变黄。Leaves turn in autumn.

树长出了新的叶子。Trees have new leaves.

它拥有绿色的树叶。Has it got green leaves.

树叶在风中不停地抖动着。Leaves nod in the winds.

树叶落满小径。Leaves strewed the path.

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你的丽叶在花床上。Thy leaves over the bed.

天旱使树叶枯萎。Leaves shrivel in autumn.

这棵树有许多树叶。The tree has many leaves.