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加里曼丹岛中毒死亡的鱼Poisoned Fish in West Kalimantan

文莱达鲁萨兰国位于加里曼丹岛北部。Brunei Darussalam located in the northern part of Kalimantan Island.

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热带森林保育法加里曼丹协议由柯哈帝基金会执行。The TFCA Kalimantan agreement is administered by the Kehati Foundation.

还好你提醒我了,我差点忘了我还看了一部加里曼丹的纪录片呢。Thanks for reminding me, I'd forgotten that watched a documentary on Kalimantan.

Sukadana是一个尘土飞扬的村庄Palung火山国家公园在西加里曼丹省以外。Sukadana is a dusty village outside Gunung Palung National Park in West Kalimantan.

东马来西亚的加里曼丹沙越并无明显理由有攻击新加坡的野心。East Malaysia Kalimantan Sarawak has not ambitions to attack Sg for obvious reasons!

合作的印尼非政府组织将在加里曼丹东部、西部和中部实施14项计划。The cooperating Indonesian NGOs will implement 14 projects in East, West, and Central Kalimantan.

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南部陆架-陆坡区的物源主要有湄公河和加里曼丹岛,但两者的混合明显。The provenance of Southern shelf and slope should include the Mekong River and Kalimantan Islands.

Iwan12岁时候因为感到在加里曼丹岛老家村子生活“无聊”而流落街头。Iwan took to the streets when he was 12 because he found life in his home village back in Kalimantan “boring.”

Wawan说如果位于南加里曼丹和芝勒贡的这个厂的投产使用,将减少对铁的进口依赖。Wawan said if the operation of the plants in South Kalimantan and Cilegon would reduce dependency on iron imports.

自2003年首次爆发以来,禽流感已经从爪哇迅速传播到巴厘、加里曼丹和苏门答腊。Since the first outbreaks in 2003 avian influenza has spread rapidly across Java into Bali, Kalimantan and Sumatra.

进口区域泛及整个东南亚﹐由加里曼丹及沙唠越进口者常混杂在小径木中﹐数量不大。Imported from all over South East Asia, especially mixed in small logs from Kalimantan and Sarawak, but not much in volume.

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「我们得到证据的证据显示,在加里曼丹和沙劳越都有大规模无法无天的非法伐木行为,」他说。"We have got evidence of widespread and anarchic illegal logging in national parks in both Kalimantan and Sarawak, " he said.

我们有大约150个采矿点,分布在印度尼西亚的苏门答腊岛,爪哇岛,加里曼丹岛,苏拉威西岛,和日本一些岛屿的几个采矿点。We have several mining location around 150 locations at Sumatera Island, Java Island, Kalimantan Island, Sulawesi Island, NTT, NTB, and Papua Island in the Republic of Indonesia.

然而廷贾断裂的范围其北端的位置只划分在南沙海槽的西南端,而南侧延伸到加里曼丹岛上。Thirdly, the northern scope of the Ting Jia fracture is only division in the southwest of the Nansha trough. But the south of it extends to the south side of the island of Kalimantan.

南北两地中生界被古老基底和新生代洋壳隔开,加里曼丹岛北侧-北巴拉望一线为古南海消亡的缝合带。These two parts were partitioned by antique basement and Cenozoic oceanic crust. The suture belt of the Ancient South China Sea exists in an area from north Kalimantan to north Palawan.

一名53岁的男子自称是这组工人的工头。他表示原木会被运到河边,然后用渡船运到西加里曼丹省省会坤甸的木材市场。According to one 53-year-old man who says he is the leader of the group, logs are transported to the river and then ferried to a wood market in Ponianak, the capital of West Kalimantan province.