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何威显然看到了忒弥斯团队的潜能。Hunton & Williams clearly saw potential in Team Themis.

同时,他们也认识到最好的防御措施就是加强各国间的合作。They knew also that co-operation between themis the best defence.

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衡量标准主要是忒弥斯——一位双眼被布蒙著的公正女神。They were heavily dependent on the scales of themis the blindfolded goddess of justice.

我认为西弥斯是专为解决一些引人注目的科学难题而设计的。I think THEMIS is specially designed to help answer some of those compelling science questions.

把司法审判权交给国王或上帝的神圣代理人,万王之中最伟大的国王,就是地美士。The divine agent, suggesting judicial awards to kings or to gods, the greatest of kings, was Themis.

THEMIS显示,每一组等离子流的影响能够释放出巨大能量,其总量相当于震级在5到6级的地震。Each set of plasma jet impacts can release as much energy in total as a magnitude 5 to 6 earthquake, THEMIS revealed.

最近在某些地点,THEMIS的温度读数显示有水冰的存在,因此,答案似乎是肯定的。Recent temperature readings by THEMIS have detected water ice poking through in certain places, so the answer seems to be yes.

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古希腊人认为的正义女神是西弥斯,她最初是“人类共同事务,特别是公民大会”的组织者。To the ancient Greeks she was known as Themis , originally the organizer of the "communal affairs of humans, particularly assemblies."

该软件使用一种多次覆写你的文件以确保数据内容不再可读的高级的算法技术。It uses an advanced algorithm technique which overwrites your files multiple times so that the data contained in themis no longer readable.

科罗拉多州博尔德市,美国国家海洋大气局空间天气预报中心的哈沃德·辛尔说,探秘极光现象只是“西弥斯”任务的一部分。Howard Singer, of NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center in Boulder, Colorado, said decoding auroras is just one part of the THEMIS mission.

该站点介绍了飞行任务的情况,包括科学目标、装备细节、采集的资料等。The THEMIS website provides a mission overview, news, an introduction to the science goals, details of the instrumentation, and mission images.

这有点极端了。这是一名老师,而学生们如果喜欢老师的话是愿意为老师做事的,这是众所周知的,即使是在中国。Geez, talk about extremism. The fact thatit is a teacher and kids LOVE to do things for their teacher if they like themis well known, even in China.

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与此同时,虽然受牵连的邮件如雪片般飞来,忒弥斯团队的其他成员还是否认了他们打算像巴尔一样开展业务。Meanwhile, the other members of Team Themis deny they wanted to push the operations as far as Barr did—despite the volumes of incriminating e-mails.

忒弥斯团队建议以电子方式渗入那些对抗强大华盛顿游说组织——美国商会的民间组织。Team Themis proposed to electronically infiltrate grass-roots organizations opposed to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the powerful Washington lobbying organization.

这五个一模一样的“西弥斯”航天器,体积与洗衣机一般大小,每四天排成一行,在地球与月球之间构成一系列观察点。The five identical THEMIS spacecraft, each about the size of a washing machine, line up once every four days to create a series of observation posts between Earth and the moon.

作为THEMIS计划的管理人员,来自加利福尼亚大学的彼得·哈维指出,这将教会技术人员如何尽量少使用电脑与其它仪器来制造小的人造卫星。The THEMIS project manager at the University of California, Peter Harvey, says it has taught technicians how to make small satellites with little computers and other instruments.

最具特色的是中央部分的三角形山墙,山墙顶部矗立著一座希腊特弥斯女神蒙眼雕像,用以代表公义。The most outstanding feature of the building is the pediment in the centre portion which is surmounted by a blind-folded statue of justice represented by the greek goddess themis.

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的观测结果,将会影响未来科学家如何对太阳风暴的严重程度、以及它们对电力系统、飞航路线、军事通讯与人造卫星造成的影响,进行预测。The Themis results could have bearing on how scientists predict the severity of solar storms and their effects on power grids, airline and military communications and satellite signals.

“西弥斯”的数据显示,发生在二月份的磁暴来自一个沿着场力线尾部的爆炸,爆炸的范围约为地球直径的10到15倍。THEMIS data revealed that the February substorm was sparked by an explosion along field lines in Earth's magnetic tail at a distance some 10 to 15 times greater than the planet's diameter.