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那节拍器摆动着显示节拍。The metronome vibrated the beat.

在慢慢增加速度的时候,节拍器也常被用到。A metronome might be used for this gradual speed-up.

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利用节拍器来确认速度与拍子的准确度。Use the metronome to check your speed and beat accuracy.

铝离子因为这些振动成为一种超高速节拍器。These vibrations turn the ion into a sort of superfast metronome.

节拍器的模仿声不行——至少,对幼婴来说,不行。The metronome imitation will not do — at least, not for young infants.

节拍器可能对你会有帮助,请参考大学二年级相关课程。Also metronome would be helpful, please refer to the lessons in sophomore year.

一个大贝斯手将这段经历比做被一个节拍器指挥。One double bass player likened the experience to being conducted by a metronome.

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形成使用节拍器的习惯,你的演奏必然会得到有效的提升。Develop a habit of using the metronome and your playing will undoubtedly improve.

节拍之城是一款用声音做武器的第三人称视点冒险解谜游戏。The City of Metronome is a unique third person adventure game where sound is your weapon.

在另一些组内,节拍器按每秒72次的心跳速度在滴滴嗒嗒地响着。In others a ticking metronome was operating at the heartbeat speed of 72 beats per minute.

当我们经过一个永恒静止的三维空间时,节拍器正有规律地滴答作响。The metronome ticks steadily on as we move through a permanent static three-dimensional space.

你可以调节速率,我弹钢琴,所以有时候要用节拍器,很好用。So you can change the speed. I myself play piano so I sometimes use a metronome. So it works pretty well.

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文章就节拍器的功能、理及其在钢琴学习中的作用进行了讨论。This article probes into the function and fundamentals of metronome and the role it plays in piano study.

这就是说每个乐手都应该留意乐谱中的速度标记,并忠实贯彻作曲家的原意。By that I mean a musician should be aware of metronome markings of indicated tempos and adhere to the wishes of the composer.

长期使用节拍器伴奏练习会对音乐技能的习得造成不利的影响,并且导致演奏的乐感缺失。Long practice sessions with the metronome accompanying you are harmful to technique acquisition and leads to non-musical playing.

因此用原子节拍器对其调节使其有序,就好像教官喊节拍一样。Thus the clock laser's orderly light waves are paced by the atomic metronome — just as a drill sergeant keeps troops in precise cadence.

如果你刚好把节拍器设置在中速,你的速度提升可能会因此而长期无法有明显的进步。If you happen to set the metronome at this intermediate speed, you might struggle at it for long periods of time and build up a speed wall.

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这是因为传统上人们认为时间就如同一个巨大的节拍器,在宇宙空间中持续着同一种节奏,而且只沿着一个方向运动。That's because the old idea about time was that it was like a cosmic metronome keeping a regular and constant beat throughout the universe.

另外一个热身方式是把一个节拍器设置到最慢速度,每次它“滴”一下的时候,与会者就要说出美国一个州的名字。Another fun warm-up is to set a metronome on its slowest speed and with each “tick” participants need to name one of the fifty United States.

事实上,当灯光熄灭时,鱼仔以惊人的精确度继续用同样的节奏左右摆动尾巴,很像一个节拍器。Indeed, when the lights went out, the larvae continued to flap their tails to the same rhythm with astonishing precision, much like a metronome.