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你最好提醒她一下。You'd better give her memory a prod.

国会的督促并没有必要。There is no need for a congressional prod.

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它勾起我一段美好的回忆。It was for me a prod to a fond remembrance.

海尔赛打趣地用两个手指戳了维克多·亨利一下。Halsey gave Victor Henry jocular prod with two fingers.

讽刺作品有助于促进人们认识真相。Satire serves to prod people into an awareness of truth.

你要是不能很快得到答覆,不妨催他们一下。If you don't receive an answer quickly, give them a prod.

奥多姆比起进攻、突破他会更喜欢分享和传球。Odom likes to share and support rather than push and prod.

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你要是不能很快得到答复,不妨催他们一下。If you do not receive an answer quickly , give them a prod.

代码进入产品化阶段,它可能只是发布的一部分。Code can only be part of a release when it has been promoted to prod.

触头法磁粉探伤时,磁化电流范围为。In the MT for prod method, the range of magnetizing current shall be.

尽管前面困难重重,但是坚持帮助我们不断前进。Persistence, though, helps us to prod on despite the difficulties ahead.

采用有意义的命名空间名,例如产品名称或公司名称。Use meaningful namespaces sUCh as the prod UCt name or the company name.

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参议院理应通过该提案以迫使最高院进到这个二十一世纪来。The Senate should pass the resolution to prod the court into the 21st century.

人只是个物质实体,一个生物学可以钻研的东西People are just material objects, the sorts of things biologists poke and prod and study.

当测试人员确定代码符合他们的标准,他们就从测试到产品化升级它。When the testers decide the code meets their standards, they promote it from test to prod.

因为他们如此地让人不快,他们有时能刺痛我们去采取行动当没有任何其他事能鼓动我们时。Because they’re so unpleasant, they can sometimes prod us to take action when nothing else can.

本文提出了一种引入相关反馈的利用半自动标注关键字和六视图形状信息的检索方法。It is a feedback based method which make use of the prod hex-vision images and commented keyword.

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应依法治水,以节约用水、合理用水,大力发展生产力。Must harness the water according to law, so that make to save and rational use water, develop prod.

教练只需要知道何时推动或者刺激一下团队成员,使得他们依靠自己的能力获得提升。The coach simply has to know when to push or prod and when to let the team members fly on their own.

卷头发的高女生和硬肘子的大男生开始不怀好意地推我。Tall girls with frizzled hair, and hugeboys with sharp elbows, began to prod me with hideous interest.