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爸爸,他们经常重新点亮蜡烛,可是你的眼泪总是把它熄灭。Daddy, they often relight it, but your tears always put it out.

千万别让孩子去燃放烟花爆竹。Don't allow children to light fireworks. Don't relight fireworks.

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但这部电影在很大程度上能重新点燃他们演艺事业的辉煌。But this film could relight some of their flagging careers in a big way.

也千万不要第二次去点它,如果第一次没用,那就把它们扔了。Don't relight fireworks. If they fail to work the first time around, discard them.

“爸爸,他们经常重新点燃蜡烛,可是你的眼泪总会又把它浇灭,”她说道。"Father, they often relight it, but your tears always put it out again, "she said.

“父亲,他们常常重新点燃它,可是你的眼泪又总是将他们浇灭。”她说到。Father, they often relight it, but your tears always put it out again. " she said."

“爸爸,他们常常重新点燃它,但是你的泪水又把蜡烛熄灭了。”她回答道。"Father, they often relight it, but your tears always put it out again, " she said.

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在这一过程中,重光照现场拍摄的镜头在核武器,你将学习如何使用2.5D技术有效地点燃一场。In this course, Relighting Live Action Footage in NUKE, you will learn to use 2.5D techniques to efficiently relight a stadium.

为重新点燃火炬,整个传递工程中一直携带着备份火种,备份火种也是在古代奥运会的发源地-希腊奥林匹亚点燃的。Backup flames, also lit from the birthplace of the ancient games in Olympia, Greece, are with the relay at all times to relight the torch.

美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马在麦迪逊的威斯康辛大学举行的一次演讲中,试图团结学生在中期选举中为其投票,重燃2008年总统竞选时的激情。Barack Obama used a speech at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, to rally students to vote in the mid-term elections and relight the fire of his 2008 presidential bid.

如果有一天,在世界的某一个角落,我们有机会相聚,即使已是头发花白的老人,我希望我们能像好朋友一样分享这回忆,重新点燃青春还有这美好的情感。If someday, somewhere, we have a chance to gather, even as gray-haired man, at that time, I hope we can be good friends to share this memory proudly to relight the youthful and joyful emotions.

重新点燃家里的火炉,再围着篝火顺时针方向跳舞,以确定自己和家人都顺顺利利。The inhabitants of the village would then take some of the fire to their homes and relight their hearths , and dance clockwise around the bonfires to ensure good portents for them and their families.