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乌瑟尔向国王泰瑞纳斯报告了阿尔萨斯的行动。Uther informs King Terenas of Arthas's actions.

乌瑟尔在加尔达伦被兽人的舰队伏击。Uther is ambushed by an orcish fleet at Caer Darrow.

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乌瑟尔与银手骑士团赶来,在熔炉谷解救了阿尔萨斯。Uther and the knights of the Silver Hand rescues Arthas at Hearthglen.

他因受龙形彗星的启发而以尤瑟·潘德拉贡之称闻名。He was known as Uther Pendragon after being inspired by a dragon-shaped comet.

如果乌瑟王死了,亚瑟便成了莫甘娜与王位之间的唯一障碍。If king uther died, Arthur became the only obstacle between morgana and throne.

尤瑟王死于公元509年,不列颠没有王位继承人,国家陷入一片混乱。When King Uther died in 509, Britainhad no king. The country had many problems.

我送给亚瑟国王的礼品是这张圆桌,它曾经属于亚瑟国王的父亲尤瑟国王。My gift to King Arthur is the Round Table, which belonged to his father, King Uther.

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为什么乌瑟尔居然认为你会超过我?你让他名誉尽失!Why Uther ever vouched for you is beyond me. You' ve stripped him of his honor by casting yours to the winds!

乌瑟尔和他的圣骑士们调查了受瘟疫感染的地区,希望能找到一种解救的办法。Uther and his fellow paladins investigated the infected regions in the hope of finding a way to stop the plague.

莫甘娜收拾停当、带上匕首,准备出城去见莫格斯,却被梅林误认为是去杀乌瑟王。Morgana ready, take knife, ready to out of the city to see mo, who has been mistaken for merlin to kill king uther.

根据我们的律法,我,乌瑟某某,已经命令禁止此类行为,触犯者死。And pursuant to the laws of Camelot, I, Uther Pendragon, have decreed that such practices are banned on penalty of death.

联盟圣骑士是乌瑟尔意志的追随者,他们的力量源自光明,勇气和其他一些东西。Alliance Paladins are the followers of the ideas of Uther Lightbringer, empowered by light for their valiance or some such.

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但莫甘娜心中只想着复仇--她尤其怨恨乌瑟王多年来隐瞒她真实身份的做法。But the morgana heart just want to revenge, she especially resentment of king uther concealing her real identity for years.

在阿尔萨斯几乎快要坚持不住的时候,乌瑟尔和吉安娜及时赶到,消灭了天灾的军队,拯救了壁炉谷。Arthas' forces barely held out, and were on the verge of defeat when Uther arrived with reinforcements and saved the village.

乌瑟已经瘦成了皮包骨,保护国家的重担落在亚瑟和他忠诚的骑士身上,其中包括兰斯洛特。With Uther a shadow of his former self, it falls to Arthur and his loyal knights, including Lancelot, to protect the kingdom.

由于圣骑士们保持高度警戒监视北地,阿克比绍普的助手洛丹伦的光明使者乌瑟尔已经在抚慰这些战争中遭受不幸的的人们。With his Paladins keeping vigilant watch over the northlands, the Archbishop's assistant Uther Lightbringer of Lordaeron has come to offer comfort to those who are suffering the misfortunes of war.