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他是一位退休工人。He is a retired worker.

给我全薪让我退休了。I was retired on full pay.

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我的祖怙恃都已经退休了。My grandparents are retired.

他已经从部队退役。He has retired from the army.

那只虎退回巢穴。The tiger retired to its den.

那男子退隐到乡下去了。The man retired to the country.

作者是一名退休律师。叶琦保译。The writer is a retired lawyer.

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现在已经退休了。We have a guy who's retired now.

他退休是因为时间到了。The reason he retired was timing.

军队井然有序地撤退。The troops retired in good order.

贝蒂和比尔Blando都已退休了。Betty and Bill Blando are retired.

李女士,68岁,退休工人。Lee, 68 years old, retired workers.

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亚当斯退休后回到了昆西的农场。Adams retired to his farm in Quincy.

李教授十前年退休的。Perfessor Lee retired ten years ago.

勒伯夫和佐拉在同一月内相继退役。Leb?uf and Zola retired in one month.

她才26岁就退出了影坛。She retired from acting aged just 26.

女客退到休息室去了。The ladies retired to the drawing room.

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此类型成员页已撤消。This type member page has been retired.

这对退休夫妇过着悠闲自在的生活。The retired couple lived a life of ease.

他们向汉口方面退去。They retired in the direction of Hankow.