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他用一种古怪的如梦方醒的神情看着她。He looked at her with a droll sort of awakening.

我不知道,也许有人欣赏他滑稽的逗乐方式,我可欣赏不了。I don't know. Some people may find his droll style amusing. Not me though.

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它滑稽的语调和恶作剧的风格几乎掩盖了女主角的孤僻和忧郁。Its droll tone and tricksy style almost mask its heroine’s solitude and tristesse.

这次鸭子哈哈大笑起来,于是哈尔顿说,“你真是个奇怪的小东西,尤罗。This time Duck laughed, and Haldon said, "What a droll little fellow you are, Yollo."

“我喜欢孩子们,”月亮说,“特别是那些小不点儿们——他们都那么有趣。"I love the children, " said the Moon, "especially the quite little ones—they are so droll.

林惇夫人带着一种诙谐的表情瞅着他——对于他的苛求是又好气又好笑。Mrs Linton eyed him with a droll expression--half angry, half laughing at his fastidiousness.

海切库克的电影大量采用恐惧和幻想的手法,并以滑稽幽默著称。Hitchcock's films draw heavily on both fear and fantasy, and are known for their droll humour.

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文斯在面见了雷诺后,打电话给我,用他惯用的滑稽腔调说,“我想我们找到了一个有活力的。”After he interviewed Janet, he called me and said in his droll way, I think we’ve got a live one.

他滑稽的小嘴画得像一张弯弓,下巴上的胡须白如雪。His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow, and the beard of his chin was as white as the snow.

社区关系警官麦立.德罗尔负责更新珊瑚镇警察局的Twitter账户。Community Relations Officer Meleah Droll updates the Coralville Police Department's Twitter account.

这太容易做到了。嘉莉做出愁眉苦脸的样子。效果十分奇妙而可笑,连经理也被吸引住了。It was easy enough to do. Carrie scowled. The effect was something so quaint and droll it caught even the manager.

范诺登自言自语时嘴边常挂着“灵魂”这个词儿,起初我一听到这个词便觉得好笑。Now this word soul, which pops up frequently in Van Norden's soliloquies, used to have a droll effect upon me at first.

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在开普吉拉多市的东南密苏里州立大学上学的时候,我喜欢的几个老师之中有一个以他的幽默感而出名。One of my favorite teachers at Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau is known for his droll sense of humor.

在开普吉拉多市的东南密苏�州立大学上学的时候,我喜欢的几个老师之中有一个以他的幽默感而出名。One of my favorite teachers at Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau is known for his droll sense of humor.

位于开普吉拉多的东南密苏里州立大学有一位我很喜欢的老师,他滑稽的幽默是人所共知的。One of my favorite teachers at Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau was known of his droll sense of humor.

基本原则位于吉拉多海角的密苏里东南州立大学有一位我非常喜欢的老师,他奇特的幽默感很是出名。Ground Rules One of my favorite teachers at Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau was known of his droll sense of humor.

在开普吉拉多市的东南密苏里州立大学上学的时候,我喜欢的几个老师之中有一个以他的幽默感而出名。Boring lectures One of my favorite teachers at Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau is known for his droll sense of humor.

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他们配对机构的素材是少量的人格测试和发布在"斯帕克"上用来吸引流量的好笑的调查问卷。The fodder for their matching apparatus was a handful of personality tests and droll questionnaires that they’d posted on the Spark to lure traffic.

在位于衣阿华州衣阿华市郊外的珊瑚镇,警察局的社区关系警官麦立.德罗尔就有一个在加州的追随者一直关注着她发的消息。In Coralville, a suburb of Iowa City, Iowa, Police Department Community Relations Officer Meleah Droll has a follower in California who keeps up with her posts.

他在避税天堂和容易受人摆布的政府间大行其道,诸如列支敦士登公国,这些国家被他称为“拥有滑稽可笑法律的古怪国家”。He was always shopping for tax havens and pliant governments, such as the Duchy of Liechtenstein—“droll little countries with droll little laws, ” he called them.