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比如说成就。Take the example of accomplishment.

他经常居功自傲。He often plumes himself on his accomplishment.

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从这件事本身来说就是一件了不起的成就This, itself, was a remarkable accomplishment.

挑战和成就感才是我们快乐的源泉。We need challenge and accomplishment to be happy.

你的成就将使你名垂千古…You will go down history for your accomplishment.

对我来说,马拉松最能给我带来成就感。For me, it's the ultimate source of accomplishment.

卡梅伦的成就使得托利党又有了候选资格。His accomplishment has been to make them electable.

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基于RTCC协议中间件的实现。Accomplishment of middleware based on RTCC protocol.

成功的愉悦是催人奋进、振奋心灵的。The accomplishment is uplifting and good for the soul.

你觉得,节省时间是一项大成就。You feel that saving time is a serious accomplishment.

如果我能做到那样,就会给我一种成就感。If I can do that, it gives me a sense of accomplishment.

法律是社会习俗和思想的结晶。Law is an accomplishment of social customs and thoughts.

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我觉得孩子要为自己真实的成就得到夸奖。I think kids should be praised for genuine accomplishment.

这是哈里森在白宫最显著的成就.It is Harrison's most noteworthy accomplishment in office.

个人修养决定了一个人的气质。Personal accomplishment decided the qualities of a person.

第三部分,受贿罪的犯罪既遂标准。The third part, the bribery crime accomplishment standards.

幸福在行动和成就感中生生不息。去追求吧!Happiness thrives in activity and accomplishment. Go for it!

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那么像那样完成了一项成就后感觉会是如何呢?So what does it feel like after an accomplishment like that?

登到山顶是一项重大成就。Climbing to the top of the mountain was a big accomplishment.

当我开始爱一个人的时候就是爱的完成。When I begin to love someone, it is the accomplishment of love.