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性爱是大众的抒情诗。Sexuality is the lyricism of the masses.

“人类的性征是非常的复杂的,”他说。"Human sexuality is complicated," he says.

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性爱镜头只在真实时方显有趣。Sexuality is only interesting when it's real.

我常常沉醉于有关性爱的讨论会。I always enjoy going to sexuality conferences.

洋红是热情和性的色调。Magenta is the color of passion and sexuality.

要保证浪漫和性暗示不受到妨碍。Some romance and implied sexuality never hurt.

你的性倾向是,怎么讲呢,薄情?Your sexuality is, well, shall we say, fickle?

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全身装扮透射出一种相当俗艳的性感。The outfit projected a rather tawdry sexuality.

全面的性教育权。The right to comprehensive sexuality education.

当然,我们不能向所有人展示我们对性的渴望。Sure, we cannot express our sexuality with everyone.

我和她谈了许多次话,谈那个男孩以及她对性的看法。We have had lots of talks about him and her sexuality.

一旦你遇到一个女孩,你要慢慢刘露出性的魅力。As soon as you meet a girl, you have to exude sexuality.

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她对她自己的身体和性向更加舒服了。She's more comfortable in her skin and with her sexuality.

这个想法是,女性性感是青春的领地。The idea is that female sexuality is the province of youth.

边界性患者利用她的性行为来奖励或是惩罚她的伴侣。The borderline uses her sexuality to reward or punish her mate.

现在,他的工作对一个功能长度的电影剧本约性。Now he's working on a feature-length screenplay about sexuality.

她们渴望关注,因为你的关注就是对她性感的肯定。They crave the attention. Your attention affirms their sexuality.

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世上还存在对性与性爱的系统化、分析型思考。And there is systematic, analytic thinking about sex and sexuality.

我开始告诉她我的生活,我的家人,我对性的恐惧。I began to tell her about my life, my family, my fear of sexuality.

这一季会是他们的旅程来发现他们的性倾向吗?Will this season be a journey for them to discover their sexuality?