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警察拒绝对其进行镇压。The police refused to evict them.

不要深夜还在卧室看电视。Evict late-night television from your bedroom.

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地主就会收回租地或抬高地租。The landlord will evict him or raise his rent.

警方试图驱赶这些占地者时,两名非法占地者丧生。Two squatters were killed when the police tried to evict them.

7月28日,当局派出华盛顿警察驱赶抗议人群。On July 28, officials sent in the Washington police to evict the marchers.

有了足够的膨胀压力,客户将驱逐出缓存页并开始交换。With enough balloon pressure, guests will evict cached pages and start swapping.

银行也不能将拒绝履行债务者未重新安置而逐出家门。Banks would also be unable to evict defaulters from their homes without rehousing them.

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即使一个结论被证明是错的,但它仍像是一个落魄的承租人一样让你没办法彻底驱逐他。Even when a claim is disproved, it hangs around like a deadbeat renter you can’t evict.

吉雅莎说芭丽和娜诺是吸血鬼,要将她们赶出去和佩雅同住,可是阿迪亚出面阻止。JiYaSha said barriss and na is a vampire, to want to evict them and live with, but aditya to stop.

防暴警察开着装甲车在半夜三点发动突袭,驱逐没成功。Riot police in armoured vehicles launched a 3am raid in a failed attempt to evict the protest camp.

他们会怀念曾经的日子,那时他们有权利赶一个政府下台,并推举另一个上台。They would hanker after the days when they had the right to evict one Government and put another one in.

对于地方官员,相比减少权力滥用来说,他们更关心的是平息被拆迁者的情绪。For their part, local officials seem less concerned about reining in abuses than about mollifying those they evict.

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缓存通常为自我管理的单元,根据缓存实现,可以排除条目或使其失效。A cache is typically a self-managed unit that can evict or invalidate entries dependent on the cache implementation.

在大卫•凯梅伦的敦促下,一些地方议会开始启动程序,将暴乱者及其家人驱逐出社区。Urged on by David Cameron, some councils have begun proceedings to evict them and their families from social housing.

用排除法,终于发现,小苏是在听到那首词之后,就变的这样一脸痴呆相。Use apt evict a means, finally detect, mini Su is behind listening that clause, alteration so 1 face is stupid mutually.

发自晋宁县的报道称,穿着黑色制服的武装人员攻击了村民,试图把他们从土地上驱逐。Reports from the Jinning suburb said armed men in black uniforms attacked villagers some people to evict them from their lands.

她通知了考试中心的负责人,但是不希望打扰到其他学生就没有即刻将这位母亲逐出考场。She notified the head of the exam centre but, not wishing to disturb the other students, did not evict the mother straight away.

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弗兰肯,有些人给主教写信说弗兰肯是个巫师,是个坏蛋,他们想把他赶出维堡市。Someone wrote letter to tell bishop that Nebulas Flacon was a koradji and rascal. They wanted to evict him out of the Vyborg City.

蒙眼的一项行动中被拘留者坐在驱逐他们在曼谷2010年5月19日红衫示威者集结在地上。Blindfolded detainees sit on the ground during an operation to evict Red Shirt protesters from their encampment in Bangkok May 19, 2010.

一位因为计划强行驱逐示威者而辞职的神职人员辩解说国教会应当给予他们更多的支持。One cleric resigned over plans to evict the protesters forcibly, arguing that the Church should have been more supportive of their cause.