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他动,每个人都可以看到。He's hyperactive , pipi , everyone can see that.

如果您的驯鹿生病了,可以叫我哥哥来帮您拉雪橇。反正他也是精力过剩了。If a reindeer gets sick take my brother to help pull the sleigh. He's hyperactive anyway!

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β受体阻滞剂阻止压力荷尔蒙的释放,同时可能防止极度活跃的记忆的形成。Beta-blockers impede stress hormones and may prevent the formation of hyperactive memories.

深部肌腱反射过强,无肌肉衰弱或肝肿大。A hyperactive deep tendon reflex was noted, but there was neither muscle weakness nor hepatomegaly.

热烈亢奋的吉他配乐修饰着本已异常亢奋的乐曲,注入了燃烧般的狂热及大气。Fiery guitar-work embellishes the already hyperactive music, injecting ardent fury and cosmic demeanor.

在这个过程中,你的感觉极度活跃,但是你的自我意识却不可思议地削弱了。It’s a process in which your senses are hyperactive and yet your self-awareness is strangely diminished.

数字水印是用信号处理的方法,在数字化的多媒体数据中嵌入的隐蔽标记。Digital watermark is wrapup marks in the way of signal processing in digitized hyperactive data imbedded.

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从这以后,韩国活跃的博客圈就开始炮制那些阴谋理论。Ever since, South Korea's hyperactive blogosphere has been churning out conspiracy theories by the dozen.

珍妮是一个早熟的、极度活跃的小女孩。Janie is a precocious, hyperactive little girl who was always getting herself into all sorts of mischief.

据此,自闭症是由过度活跃的、使日常感官经验过量的大脑造成的。According to this, autism is caused by a hyperactive brain that makes everyday sensory experiences overwhelming.

12个小时后万宝路的无知显而易见,我们发现我们象过动的野蛮人一样跳进了挖开的墓穴里。Marlboro’s ignorance was illuminated 12 hours later as we found ourselves jumping into dug-up graves like hyperactive goths.

所有的情绪稳定剂抑制从神经传递素接受器到神经细胞内部的神经传导中极度活跃的信号。All mood stabilizers curb hyperactive signaling in pathways that lead from neurotransmitter receptors to the nerve cell interior.

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对于现在的大众来说,他们喜欢每分钟都查看行情软件,整天无所事事太没意义了。These long periods of doing nothing would be considered useless by today's hyperactive crowd, in love with checking stock quotes every minute.

采用脑磁图技术时,PTSD患者和其他参与者大脑的这种“亢奋”状态都是在轻松的状态下出现的。This "hyperactive" brain state occurred even though the PTSD patients, and all the other participants, were in a relaxed state while undergoing MEG.

整整八个小时,我被锁在酒店的一间大屋里,任凭一组叽叽喳喳、过渡亢奋的人们摆布。I spent eight hours locked in a vast reception room at the Savoy Hotel, with a hyperactive cast of thousands preening, dressing, poking and prodding me.

非洲的黑猩猩是我们比较熟悉的大猿,红毛猩猩与牠们是强烈的对比,安静而不好动,社会互动贫乏而不好交际。Compared with its more familiar relative, Africa's chimpanzee, the red ape is serene rather than hyperactive and reserved socially rather than convivial.

其他研究者认为发过渡活跃行为的罪魁祸首是食品添加剂,比如人工色素,香料和防腐剂。Other researchers have charged that food additives — such as artificial colors, flavors and preservatives — are likely triggers for hyperactive behavior.

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他的雕刻作品表达了肤浅而又过度消费的社会的那种无节制,而他的建筑装置充满着一种非理想社会的能量。His sculptures embody the excesses of an often unreflective and hyperactive consumer society, and his architectural installations brim with dystopic energy.

孩子的母亲因鼻炎与高反应性气道疾病使用局部吸入性激素治疗,且不愿孩子接受任何进一步的检查。The mother was not keen for any investigations, and she was concerned with the usage of inhaled topical corticosteroids for rhinitis and hyperactive airway disease.

研究人员进行了双盲的比对实验,结果表明基因对多动的影响比吃糖大多了。Researchers conducted double-blind studies with children and determined that genetics have a much greater influence on hyperactive dispositions than a sweet-tooth diet.