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这与弹射器是一个道理。It's the same principle as a catapult.

被那些刀剑刺,石头砸,驽炮和棍棒打。By sword, knife, stone, catapult and club.

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弩炮向敌人发射了上百磅石块。The catapult shot hundred-pound rocks at the enemy.

触摸和移动触发弹射器,看到力的转变。Touch and move trigger of catapult and see changes of power.

弹射器的弹跳小猪通过拼图猪肉的自由!Catapult your bouncing piggy through puzzles to porky freedom!

她因为第一张唱片的成功一跃成为名歌手。She was catapult to stardom by the success of her first record.

游戏有12级和3个类型的射弹弹射器。The game has 12 levels and 3 types of projectiles for catapult.

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这样利用冲突,他们就能让自己的表现更上一层楼。This is how they use conflict as a catapult to high performance.

他把石子放进弹弓里,然后往回拉动橡皮筋。“嘣”!He fitted a pebble into the catapult and pulled back the elastic. Twang!

美国海军下一代电磁弹射系统成功地把第一架飞机弹射入空The Navy's Next-Gen Electromagnetic Catapult System Hurls its First Planes Skyward

能够,任选采用弹射器发射和降落伞回收。Can, optionally, be launched from a catapult and retrieved by parachute deployment.

与蒸汽弹射器起飞相比,滑跃式起飞是比较便宜且较为简单的方法。The ski jump is a cheaper and less complex take off alternative to the steam catapult.

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库普切克说他进行交易的唯一目的就是想让球队更上一层楼。Kupchak has said the only way he makes a trade is to catapult his team to elite status.

机车顶部是一个投石装置,可以投射50磅重的爆破火焰弹。Mounted on top was a mechanical catapult capable of hurling 50-lb. exploding firebombs.

触摸和移动触发弹射器,看到力的转变。然后争取和攻击敌人。Touch and move trigger of catapult and see changes of power. Then fight and attack enemies.

但也有专家警告,仅此一项研究尚不足以让绿茶一下子挂上“神奇饮料”的头衔。But experts caution that one study isn't enough to catapult green tea to wonder-drink status.

延长投石车无人驾驶下自暴的时限,从30秒增加到120秒。Increase the timer before a Catapult without a driver explodes from 30 seconds to 120 seconds.

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现在,你可以拥有一套里奥纳多制作的达芬奇木制弩炮套件。Well, you can now own a piece of Leonardo's work in the form of the Da Vinci's Wood Catapult Kit.

这可能不会得到你的赞同,并且让你迅速离开“舒适地带”。This could catapult you right into disapproval and let you move outside your comfort zone quickly.

在出色的敏捷团队中,冲突常常发生,而且受到欢迎,它可以让团队的表现更为出色。On great agile teams, conflict is constant and welcomed by all as a catapult to higher performance.