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现在患部感到麻木吗?Do you feel numbness in the area now?

当我的脚发麻的时候,我可以怎样做?What can I do for the numbness in my feet?

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就象你说的那样——胀麻。It's exactly what you said- distension and numbness.

我的腿部肌肉有感,有时还会感到有点麻木。The muscles in my legs ache, sometimes with numbness.

他的手和指头感到麻木和刺痛。He has numbness and tingling in his hands and fingers.

感觉异常,麻木-可掩盖损伤程度。Paresthesias, numbness – may mask the degree of damage.

她还感觉右侧肢体麻木、无力。She also had numbness and weakness in her right extremities.

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你也许会感觉到轻微的麻刺、温暖或活性。You might feel a slight tingling, warmth, numbness or aliveness.

扎针时您有麻木和发胀的感觉吗?Do you have the sensation of distension and numbness at needling?

他们或许可以感受一下寒冷将双手冻僵的情况。They might experience numbness in their hands because of the cold.

着,任那疼痛,一点点的加重,到麻木。Wear, permit namely hurt, aggravating of a little, arrive numbness.

这会导致大腿肿胀或麻木,长时间会产生静脉曲张。This can lead to swelling or numbness and, over time, varicose veins.

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过了一段时间后,我认为我在其他人身上发现了类似的麻木感。After a time I thought I could detect a similar numbness in other people.

如果鞋子太小,就会导致黑指甲,水泡,或者局部麻痹。If they're too small, it could lead to black toenails, blisters, or numbness.

病人常主诉“没有感情了”、“情感麻木了”、“高兴不起来了”。Patients often complained of "no feelings", "emotional numbness", "not happy".

小王说,他不断地提醒自己,绝不能陷入麻木的泥潭中去。Wang says he has to constantly remind himself not to succumb to such numbness.

起居室里昏暗的灯光和沉静的气氛使他越发显得麻木。The twilight and stillness of the drawing-room seemed to increase his numbness.

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她的左耳听力下降,上肢刺痛和麻木。She had decreased hearing in her left ear, upper extremity tingling and numbness.

克莱的归来,犹如一把利刃,把苔丝从麻木浑噩的状态中刺醒。Klein's return, like a sharp sword, Tess from a state of numbness Hune thorn Peter.

针灸可能有点疼,还会使您感到有点麻木和发胀。Acupunture may cause a little pian and a certain feeling of numbness and distention.