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获奖战术已获得一面黑甲勋章。Earn at least one Onyx medal.

Tiffany黑玛瑙佛珠水泡项链。Toggle necklace. Black onyx beads.

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第四行是水苍玉,红玛瑙,碧玉。in the fourth row a chrysolite, an onyx and a jasper.

现在它的功能玛瑙磨砂皮革中强调橙色。It now features Onyx Nubuck leather highlighted in orange.

表冠以一颗华丽的凸圆形黑缟玛瑙装饰。The crown is decorated with a stunning black onyx cabochon.

表把顶部以一颗漂亮的圆顶形黑色缟玛瑙石装饰。The crown is decorated with a stunning black onyx cabochon.

威尔,给我一个朝向奥尼克斯的随机矢量。Will, get me a best-guess Slipspace transition vector to Onyx.

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全新的玛瑙皮肤摩托罗拉公司所有子有图标的支持。Brand New Onyx skin by Motorola Inc. All submenus have Icon support.

玛瑙具有脂肪或腊状光泽,半透明,贝壳状断口。Onyx has a fat or wax-like luster, translucent, conchoidal fracture.

我们所有的配件都是黑人,匹配与我们的“缟玛瑙”阿达莫很好。All our accessories were black, matching nicely with our "onyx" Adamo.

红玛瑙与别样的宝石,可以镶嵌在以弗得和胸牌上。Onyx stones, and stones to be set in the ephod, and in the breastplate.

庙宇前是用条纹玛瑙砌的净水潭。In front of the temple was a pool of clear water paved with veined onyx.

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要取两块红玛瑙,在上面刻以色列儿子的名字Take two onyx stones and engrave on them the names of the sons of Israel

这是一个美丽的纯银耳环一对黑玛瑙蜘蛛。These are a Beautiful Pair of Sterling Silver Black Onyx Spider Earrings.

红玛瑙与别样的宝石,可以镶嵌在以弗得和胸牌上。and onyx stones and other gems to be mounted on the ephod and breastpiece.

红玛瑙石和为镶在厄弗得和胸牌上的宝石。Onyx stones, and precious stones, for the adorning of the ephod and the rational.

第四行是水苍玉、红玛瑙、碧玉。这都要镶在金槽中。in the fourth row a chrysolite, an onyx and a jasper. Mount them in gold filigree settings.

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奥妮克斯星表面上荒无人烟,是展开新行动的绝佳场所。The planet Onyx is virtually abandoned and the perfect place to set this new plan in motion.

他们的飞船逃离了重力场,把追踪者抛在了后面。The balance of their fleet had escaped the gravity of Onyx and outdistanced their persuaders.

只有少数这种飞船在恩多战役中成为黑玛瑙中队的一部分。Only a handful of these ships were deployed as part of Onyx Squadron during the Battle of Endor.