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她用一桶水教训那些嘲弄的少年们。She dosed the jeering lads with a bucket of water.

她胆战心惊地被人抬着,穿过愤怒和嘲笑的人群。She flinched as she was carried through an angry, jeering crowd.

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对这些生物来说,没有什么是比嘲笑上等人更快乐的了。These creatures have no sweeter joy in life than jeering at their betters.

透过烟雾弥漫的瞳眸,我瞅见你笑容底的嘲讽。Through my smoke-filled eyes, I recognized your smile amongst the jeering.

在体育场里,这其实是一种团结的表现,不应该被嘲讽。In stadium speak, this is actually a statement of unity, not necessarily jeering.

天使脸红并且哭泣的嘲弄,当魔鬼欢喜的时候,由于嘲弄笑!A mockery at which angels blushed and wept, while fiends rejoiced, with jeering laughter!

直到19世纪,“boo”这个词也出现了嘲弄的意思。The use of the word boo for jeering doesn’t seem to have come about until the 19th century.

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那是一个爱吵闹、脸色发青、轻捷、机警、贫嘴、神气灵活而又有病态的孩子。He was a boisterous, pallid, nimble, wide-awake, jeering , lad, with a vivacious but sickly air.

但无论如何,这种不懂得尊重男友的女人,男人们恐怕是不敢问津的。Even someone says in a jeering way that if a woman were not Jiaxin Li, why asked for a man being Jiacheng Li.

由于民众堵住了道路,最后救护车挤过人群把老人送去了医院。Eventually an ambulance in the motorcade was forced to take him to hospital after jeering crowds blocked its path.

这一结果导致了现场观众的嘘声,也引起了乌克兰队强烈的不满,因为他们因此失去了铜牌。The decision led to booing and jeering from the audience, and fury from Ukraine who were denied a medal as a result.

每个在人群中钻来钻去的小孩都成了她弟弟提利昂,就像乔佛里死时一样嘲讽地看着她。Every child squirming through the crowd became her brother Tyrion, jeering at her as he had jeered when Joffrey died.

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但无论是哪种情况,你想想看,你今天嘲笑她,对她喋喋不休说个不停,明天你又去怂恿她,这对她有什么帮助?But whichever it is, what good do you think you'll do by jeering and nagging at her one day and encouraging her the next?

参加集会的人很多,也很兴奋,但是有一群吵吵嚷嚷的反对者举着反堕胎的标语牌,在舞台之后嘲弄我。The crowd was large and enthusiastic, except for a loud group of opponents holding pro-life signs and jeering at me from the back.

那些站在祂面前,嘲弄祂、辱骂祂、讥笑祂和戏谑祂的群众。For those who stood before him jeering him, reviling him, taunting him, and actually thrusting their tongues out at him in mockery.

这个原名凤姐,在纽约隐姓埋名的女人,假如她在国际,走在街上,会被群嘲一路。While anonymous in New York, Feng Luoyu, 26, wouldn't be able to walk down the street in her native country without people jeering.

湖人球迷讲愤怒发泄在了他们自己的队员上,尤其是保罗。Lakers fans vented their frustration by jeering their own players, with Gasol the focus of their anger. "It's tough out there, " Jackson said.

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阿森纳几乎都是以年轻而不贵的队伍赢下了几个冠军,怎么会激起如此冷嘲热讽的道德谴责?How do Arsenal inspire this level of jeering moral censure by almost, but not quite, winning several trophies with a young and inexpensive team?

不论布什原本的表现如何,与对照组相比,喝倒彩的一组学生给布什打分低,而另一组则打分高。Jeering drove down each candidate's ratings and cheering boosted them compared with a control group, regardless of the subjects' initial preference.

有一个星期五的早上,当工人将第三棵树从木柴堆中把它拿出来时,本来是被遗忘的,现在却被吓了一跳。One Friday morning, the third tree was startled when her beam was yanked from the forgotten woodpile. She flinched as she was carried through an angry jeering crowd.