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目前它正被应用于地质学。Now it is being applied to geology.

属于或与岩基有关。Geology of or relating to a batholith.

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那是一个与地质学有关的问题。It is a problem that relates to geology.

可是我对地质学更感兴趣。However, I have more interest in geology.

这些出水几乎全与地质构造有关。They were all related to geology tectonic.

弗雷德有广泛的地质学背景知识。Fred had an extensive background in geology.

平衡剖面是一个基本的地质规律。Balanced cross-section is a base rule in geology.

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地质矿产资源是经济和社会可持续发展的保障。Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources of P. R.

喀斯特景观会因地质和气候不同而异。Karst landscapes differ because of geology and climate.

矿物学是大地科学地质学的一个分支。Mineralogy is a brand of the great earth science geology.

“人类世地质学”即是这种科学走向的最好概括。"Anthropocene geology" is the best science to the general.

他们认为Eyjafjallajokull冰川太小太轻,不足以影响当地的地质情况。The glacier is too small and light to affect local geology.

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地理老师说地球围绕太阳转。Our geology teacher said that the earth moves aroud the sun.

松辽平原在地貌和地质上都是一个盆地。The Songliao plain is a basin in both topography and geology.

我非常盼望着也地理课同学的这次旅行。I'm really looking forward to this trip with our geology class.

观赏石是一种商品性旅游地质资源。Ornamental stones are a commodity and tourism geology resources.

因此对熔融包裹体的研究是火山学研究中的一个重要方面。So it's an important aspect of geology to study melt inclusions.

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神经网络理论在工程地质中的应用。The application of neural network theory in engineering geology.

力求以新的理念开创煤炭地质信息工作新局面,争取创新、创优、创效。The coal geology work will take on a new look in the near future.

收藏恐龙的化石和古骼、古生物学及地质学。Collect dinosaur fossils and skeletons, paleontology, and geology.