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没药也是一种香料,抹在死人的身上用来防腐。Myrrh was a spice used to embalm the dead.

这位大师的崇论闳议,我们一定要铭记于心。We must embalm the master's wise opinions.

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套罩,涂香油,替他们盖上柔嫩的自尊。Shroudthem, embalm them, cover themallover with tender pride.

芳草集是广州泛薰芳旗下的天然植物护肤品牌。In guangzhou sets of generic embalm fang natural plant skincare brand.

约瑟吩咐伺候他的医生、用香料薰他父亲、医生就用香料薰了以色列。Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel.

藤原薰先生对我们要求很严格,第一节课就和我们约法三章。Cany original embalm sir is very strict with us, first class and we start by three chapters.

用甲醛来保存尸体的殡仪业者,有极高的患白血病的风险。Morticians who use formaldehyde to embalm bodies are at an exceptionally high risk of leukemia.

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今天我们在卡布其诺上添加的肉桂,曾被古埃及人用来防止尸体腐坏。The cinnamon some of us dash in our cappuccino today was once used by ancient Egyptians to embalm the dead.

约瑟吩咐伺候他的医生用香料薰他父亲,医生就用香料薰了以色列。Then Joseph directed the physicians in his service to embalm his father Israel. So the physicians embalmed him

“首先,”赖格尔抢着说,“我要求用几句心坎上的话向勃隆多悼念一番。"First of all," interposed Laigle, "I demand permission to embalm Blondeau in a few phrases of deeply felt eulogium.

埃及人用乳香来制造化妆品,尸体的防腐剂,把乳香放在屋内的火盆燃烧,可以为寒冷天气的房间提供湿温暖和芳香。Egyptians used frankincense to make cosmetics, embalm dead bodies, and provide an aromatic warmth on the braziers of their homes in chilly weather.

不管如何,麦当劳不再是一个生产秘制防腐剂,并让我们吃进肚子里去的化学实验室,它和其他食品加工企业的做法没有区别。For better or for worse, McDonald's is no more a chemical laboratory of secret compounds designed to embalm us from the inside than any other processed food maker.

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不管如何,麦当劳不再是一个生产秘制防腐剂,并让我们吃进肚子里去的化学实验室,它和其他食品加工企业的做法没有区别。For better or for worse, McDonald’s is no more a chemical laboratory of secret compounds designed to embalm us from the inside than any other processed food maker.

广州泛薰芳企业有限公司是一家专业致力于纯植物精油生物科技事业开拓与研发的资深企业。Guangzhou pan embalm fang enterprise Co. , LTD. Is a professional committed to the pure plant essence of biotechnology research and development and the senior business enterprise.