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这个物体运动状态如何What's this particle doing?

粒子加速器很酷。Particle accelerators are cool.

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这就是散射粒子。This is the scattered particle.

他让一小粒食物噎住了。He choked on a particle of food.

那么这个质点的速度是多少How fast is this particle moving?

质点会怎样运动呢"What is the fate of this particle?"

这种粒子的质量很小。This particle has a very small mass.

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物体沿着这条曲线运动The particle is moving along this arc.

那么粒子的速度又是多少?What is the velocity of this particle?

这是质点的实际运动路线It's the actual motion of the particle.

基本粒子是哪两种?Which two kinds to be the basic particle?

这和阿尔法粒子类似。This is the analogy to the alpha particle.

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现在我们了解了关于这个质点的一切情况Now we know everything about this particle.

病毒颗粒呈等轴多面体,直径为33毫微米。Diameter of the isometric particle is 33 nm.

质子是物质的基本粒子。A proton is an elementary particle of matter.

作用于粒子的力是恒力。The force acting on the particle is constant.

应用新材质到粒子系统。Apply the new material to the particle system.

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科罗拉多可吸入颗粒污染排名第十二。Colorado also ranks 12th in particle pollution.

它显示了一个物质粒子的量子波。It shows quantum waves of a particle of matter.

从粒子系统中移除所有粒子。Removes all particles from the particle system.