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而那些的确带给我这种喜悦的东西却通常平凡得让人尴尬。And those that do are usually embarrassingly prosaic.

我们曾经一起喝得烂醉,喝醉到令人尴尬的程度。We've got horrifically, embarrassingly drunk together.

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而往往手势极受文化限制,甚至尴尬的误解。But often these gestures are embarrassingly culture-bound.

而往往这些手势极受文化限制,甚至造成尴尬的误解。But often these gestures are embarrassingly culture-bound.

首先,这是对于意识形态运动令人尴尬的幼稚观点。In the first place, this is an embarrassingly naive view of ideological movements.

2004年的雅典奥林匹克运动会展示了怎样做是大错特错的。The 2004 Olympics in Athens showed how to get it embarrassingly and disgracefully wrong.

我曾经也深陷这种泥潭,度过了一段令人尴尬且绵无止境的时期。I’ve been in these kinds of ruts, often, and sometimes for embarrassingly extended periods.

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尽管是iPad推出后令人尴尬的衍生品设计,不过这款平板电脑看起来的确很像平板电脑。Despite the embarrassingly derivative design, the TAB certainly looks like a tablet to watch.

这一事件扯下了诸多所谓的精明投资者的游泳衣.The affair has robbed an embarrassingly long list of supposedly sophisticated investors of their swimwear.

这一数目同样突显了中国在尴尬、无效的反腐倡廉工作中的多重失败。The number also highlights multiple failings in China's embarrassingly ineffective anticorruption campaign.

如果仅仅是提出将客户锁定这样的目标,让很多技术执行官和投资人很尴尬。The mere prospect of consumer lock-in is enough to make technology executives and their investors embarrassingly emotional.

有关美联社如何改变应对数字新闻的讨论,很快将问题引向了美联社创建新闻博客这一几乎令人尴尬的简单想法。Discussion of how to change AP's approach to digital news quickly led to the almost embarrassingly simple idea of an AP news blog.

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然而,两位候选人对于危及国家的问题要么保持沉默,要么表现出令人难堪的无知。Yet both candidates have been either silent or embarrassingly ill-informed about the fundamentals of the problems the nation faces.

更多的劳动密集型增长还能够增加民众的收入和消费,帮助减少中国那令人难堪的巨大贸易顺差。More labour-intensive growth would also boost incomes and consumption and so help to reduce China’s embarrassingly large trade surplus.

她当模特儿,无非是有一个高高挺起的胸脯,旁的没什么好说的,不过她很乐意摆出各种露得叫人看不下去的姿势。Other having a big chest, there wasn't much to recommand her as a model, except that she was willing to pose in embarrassingly positions.

你我一天所做的功,少得令人尴尬,就机械功来说,你可以完全忽略。The kind of work that you and I do in one day is so embarrassingly little in terms of mechanical work that you can completely neglect it.

方文山不好意思的说自己很喜欢抽烟,只要能吞云吐雾一番,灵感就会源源不绝的来。Fang Wen Shan embarrassingly said he likes to smoke cigarettes very much, only need to "swallow cloud and spit fog" a little, inspiration will start to flow endlessly.

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而现在的麻烦是即使中国不再靠净出口拉动增长,中国与美国及欧洲之间的贸易顺差依然大的令人发憷。The snag is that even if net exports were no longer contributing to China's growth, its trade surpluses with America and Europe would continue to loom embarrassingly large.

手语,与聋人用来沟通多元化的讯息,手势的功能就像是视觉上的图像,它代表的是单一的意念。而往往这些手势极受文化限制,甚至造成尴尬的误解。Sign language, used by deaf people to communicate elaborate messages, gestures function as visual icons which represent a single idea. But often these gestures are embarrassingly culture-bound.