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那些话——神秘的预言——写于20世纪20年代早期。Those words — uncannily prophetic words — were written in the early 1920s.

这可真是个神奇的事情,许多预言都惊人的准确。It’s a fantastic bit of history and many of the predictions are uncannily accurate.

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当人们面对一个太空生物时通常内心会有惊异的感觉。Normally when people faces an aerospace biology the heart can have uncannily feeling.

这与希腊文化中对蓄奴的辩护,有异曲同工之妙。This is uncannily parallel by the way to the rationalization for slaves in Greek culture.

它的口味和样子与新英格兰的蛤杂烩惊人地相似,也是放在面包“碗”中。It is uncannily similar in taste and look to New England clam chowder served in bread bowls.

然而,在现任领导人的继承进程方面,它们却有着诡异的相似之处。Yet they are uncannily similar in terms of the succession processes of their current leaders.

结果惊异地发现,睡眠能使遗忘的速度显著减慢。The result discovers uncannily , MorpheusCan make oblivious career is decelerated significantly.

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这则预言为美国的政治生活添上了生动的一笔,因为它是如此令人惊异的准确。The prediction added a vivid word to the American political lexicon because it was uncannily accurate.

国王丹五千年前行使权力的模式,在如今全世界范围内看起来,仍旧是不可思议的熟悉。The model evolved in Den's Egypt five thousand years ago resonates uncannily around the world to this day.

这时一位摊主神秘地拿出一本书,说这本书如何神奇有味,让人刺激。At this moment a booth advocate uncannily takes out a book, say this book how magical have taste, make a person exciting.

Hanson发明了一种仿生皮肤材料“frubber”,令机器的头部足以以假乱真。Hanson developed a biologically inspired skin material, "frubber, " that makes his robot heads appear uncannily lifelike.

我挂了电话,警觉地朝大街上张望了一下,生怕有谁在偷听或是什么人在打我的坏主意。I hang up the phone and look out onto the street, aware of how everything seems uncannily familiar and yet completely unknown.

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2001年,瑞士邮政局发行了一种经过摩擦就可以发出香味的邮票,它令人吃惊的象一块用箔纸敞开包装的巧克力。In 2001, Swiss Post produced a scratch-and-sniff stamp which looked uncannily like a square of chocolate on an open foil wrapper.

王启敏柔软得令人感到神秘惊异,她的技术如此精确,以至于可以塑造任何她选择的隐喻性的角色。It helped that Wang Qimin is an uncannily supple dancer, with a technique so precise she can create whatever physical metaphors she chooses.

要把他的威望转让给祖布科夫之流并非易事,要知道祖布科夫活像他曾经担任过的苏联时代的集体农场主任。His popularity may not transfer easily to somebody like Mr Zubkov, who uncannily resembles the Soviet-era collective-farm director that he once was.

系青捧着一叠资料,跟韩老师到操场的时候,计然和张浩就那么很诡异地你看我,我看你呢。Fasten green hold a to fold data, time arrive drill ground with teacher Han, account however and Zhang Hao so very uncannily you see me, do I see you.

相反,他说,“几乎所有的这些坦白都看起来出奇的可信,”丰富形象的细节大多来自警察方面。Instead, he said, “almost all of these confessions looked uncannily reliable,” rich in telling detail that almost inevitably had to come from the police.

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谷歌则抛弃了门户的概念,而是利用神奇的算法挖掘用户在网上寻找什么,而且每次都能将这些内容放在搜索页面的顶部,或接近顶部的位置。Google obliterated the portal by uncannily finding the thing you were looking for and bringing it to, or near, the top of the first page of results every time.

这只三英寸长,有着一副宛如家里蟑螂一般的尊容的南亚大水虫,或者叫它田鳖,仅仅是食虫菜单上的许多道菜之一。The giant water bug, or Lethocerus indicus, a three-inch-long South Asian insect that looks uncannily like a local cockroach, is just one of the items on the menu of this bug-eating bacchanal.

据消息透露者说,奥巴马继续取笑麦凯恩的竞选团队以及麦凯恩的表现,正如助理们所说麦凯恩的表现打着“异常精准”的亚利桑那州参议员老父式说话方式的印记。According to sources, Obama will also make fun of McCain's campaign organization and perform what aides say is "an uncannily accurate" impression of the Arizona senator's grandfatherly speaking style.