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盐很贵,有时买不到。Salt is very dear, and sometimes even unobtainable.

这一版的书在市面上早已绝迹.This edition has been unobtainable for a long time.

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一个早上将报纸不可能了吗?。Will newspapers of a morning be unobtainable anymore?

这些企业管理费用的绝对分配是难以获得的。The absolute allocation of these overheads is unobtainable.

而酒精实际上在该国的许多区域是没法获得的。And alcohol is virtually unobtainable in many areas of the country.

就算迷乱被抓到这么难以接近的地方,想找到他也不在话下!Leave it to Frenzy to get caught in the most unobtainable of places!

工会也提供在特定情况下的伤残保险。The union also provides otherwise unobtainable access to disability insurance.

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你可以列出一些你觉得无法招至麾下的商业明星,然后邀请他们进入上述委员会。Make a list of superstars that you think is unobtainable and then land one of them.

这是每一个走迷宫者都极度奢望而难以获得的成果,但是只有最棒的人成功了。It is an unobtainable achievement to which each runner aspires, but only the best succeed.

其实没有这件事故,爱琳的电话号码也无法接通。No such accident had taken place and the phone number from which "Irene" rang has since been unobtainable.

她们寻找各方面都很好男人,那是难成的且造成了社会问题。They looked for husbands who were perfect in every way, which is unobtainable and can cause social problems.

前夜作了一个奔波生计的梦,醒来后暗暗地决定。One night I had a nightmare, running whole night for unobtainable thing. I made a decision when I was awoken.

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在严重的情况下,完美主义的个性驱使他们试图达到一生中无法实现的目标。In severe cases, the personality of a perfectionist drives them to attempt to achieve unobtainable goals in life.

但奇怪的是,把自己打造成“完美版”的想法似乎很难得——这似乎不太可能办到。But strangely, the idea of becoming the “perfect version” of ourselves seems so unobtainable. It seems impossible.

我过去曾经有过不经意的上大学的念头,但在那时看来,上大学并无必要、而且困难、有点无法达成。I had toyed with the idea of going to college in the past, but it had seemed unnecessary, difficult and somehow unobtainable.

这个或那个的“圣杯”看上去似乎很遥远,对一个人、一个组织,或者是一个成就的领域来说,几乎都是难以获得的最终目标。This or that "holy grail" is seen as the distant, all-but- unobtainable ultimate goal for a person, organization, or field to achieve.

新城镇建造的住房是大多数开罗居民买不起、买不到也无法理解的。"The new towns produced housing that is unaffordable, unobtainable and inaccessible for the majority of Cairo's inhabitants, " says Sims.

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养珠人应该所蚌放到良好的水域去,在工业发达国家很难找到这种地方,比如日本。So you need, as the farmer, to put the oyster basket into good water, and that is virtually unobtainable in an industrialised country like japan.

司马迁对这个“不能至”的理想的向往,并没有使他成为孔子,但这种向往使他成了司马迁,成了我们所知道的司马迁。Sima Qian's admiration for the unobtainable ideal did not help him to be a Confucius, but it did help him to be Sima Qian, a Sima Qian as we know.

在脓毒血症和急性呼吸窘迫综合征的病人,肺血管外水分的评估提供里了其他方法不能提供的信息。In patients with sepsis or acute respiratory distress syndrome, extravascular lung water measurement offers information unobtainable by other means.