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们生活在一个一夜成名和追逐品牌的时代。We live in an age of instant celebrity and frenetic branding.

改变的方法常常是过度不必要的复杂和狂热。Methods of changing are often unnecessarily complicated and frenetic.

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要抗住当前狂热和必须成功这种文化氛围带来的诱惑和压力。Resist feeling pressure from the current frenetic and overachieving culture.

不管周遭如何狂热,我们都可以获得这种存在感。However frenetic our environment, such a feeling of existence can be achieved.

房价下跌是中国狂热住宅建设的必然结果。Falling prices would be a natural outcome of China's frenetic pace of homebuilding.

几个小时之后,湖人经过激烈的加时赛以126比120击败了奇才队。Several hours later, the Lakers beat Washington, 126-120, in a frenetic overtime game.

上海乍一看来,是一个充满霓虹,节奏疯狂,并且到处是摩天大楼的城市。Shanghai is, at first sight, a city of glaring neon lights , frenetic pace and sky- scrapers.

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但是如果被抱怨变得不敏感了或迟钝了,双子座可是会发飙的。But they can get frenetic as they are liable to become insensitive or somewhat blunt at times.

他那惊人的步法,有助于加强防御,同时增加攻击的角度。Adding defense and additional angles to Pacquiao's upper-body offense is his frenetic footwork.

在巨大的茅草屋里,音乐家在一群闹哄哄的旁观者前面,大声地演奏着狂乱的音乐。Inside a large thatch hut, musicians play loud, frenetic music before a crowd of rowdy onlookers.

爵士乐把狂热的切分音和美妙的旋律结合起来形成很酷的有机整体。Jazz brings together frenetic syncopation with beautiful melodies to create one very cool package.

英国人的生活节奏日益加快到近乎疯狂,如此导致人们变得更加野心勃勃,并且时间意识增强。We lead increasingly frenetic lives and that freneticism makes us more driven, more time-conscious.

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当我们忙乱着和设定一种发狂的节奏时,这会带给他人压力并促使他们也发狂地忙乱起来。When we rush and set a frenetic pace, it stresses others and inspires them to rush frenetically too.

改变的方法常常是过度不必要的复杂和狂热。要简单、清晰地提高。Methods of changing are often unnecessarily complicated and frenetic. Through simplicity, clarity arises.

不管现场是怎样狂热和充满能量,仍然需要抓住狂暴中的一瞬间。No matter how frenetic and energy-filled the scene is, there still needs to be a moment among the frenzy.

在这款疯狂的时间管理游戏中,你要从多家商超竞争赛中挽救破落的家族产业!Save the ailing family store from mega-corporate shopping competition in this frenetic Time Management game!

2008年全球危机来袭,银行疯狂放贷驱动的庞大刺激计划,令10年改革成果付诸东流。Come the global crisis in 2008, a huge stimulus package driven by frenetic bank lending swept away 10 years of reform.

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缓慢的点票与在巴格达酒店大厅和各政党总部进行的发狂般高速的谈判形成了鲜明的对比。The slowness of the count contrasts with the frenetic pace of negotiations in Baghdad's hotel lobbies and party headquarters.

他说他想要他的艺术装置捕捉狂热的活力,这种活力是沿着美国任何一条街道走都能感受到的。He says he wants his installations to capture the frenetic energy that can be experienced by walking down any American street.

在这个疯狂的时代,广告商发现中国的新生消费者偶尔也想尝尝旧。In this frenetic era, advertisers are discovering that China's rising consumers don't always fit the traditional new-money mold.