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克隆人——自毙还是创造完美?Is Cloning Human Frankenstein or Pygmalion?

这是这个词的由来。So this is the source of the word, Pygmalion.

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Pygmalion“是古希腊语。The source of the word, Pygmalion is ancient Greece.

“皮格马利翁得到了他的伽拉茜”5,有一首歌这么说道。"Pygmalion loved his Galatea, " said one of the songs.

“他的艺术隐藏了它的艺术”,就像奥维德说起他的皮格马利翁一样。"His art conceals its art", as Ovid says of his Pygmalion.

我会从Pygmalion开始讲起。And I'll start by talking about Pygmalion in the classroom.

每个人在重述卖花女时都是在做一种原创的东西。Each person who retold Pygmalion didsomething both original

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其先祖即为葛拉蒂,由皮格马利翁所创造的美女。Their Progenitor was Galatea, the woman created by Pygmalion.

他们俩身上都有皮格马利翁综合症,他们两在一定程度上是雕刻家。A Pygmalion resides in both of them. They are, to an extent, sculptors.

然后,我们的皮格马利翁项目,就是让这些不同变得和我们类似。Our Pygmalion project, then, is to make all those near us just like us.

所以皮格马利翁效应表明,我们的期望能产生很大的影响。And so the Pygmalion effect shows how our expectations can really matter.

你能用佛洛依德的人性结构理论分析皮革马利翁的人格吗?Can you analyze the mentality of Pygmalion with Freud's theory of mental structure?

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加拉提亚一位少女,起初是皮格莱恩雕刻的塑像,后来在雕刻家的请求下阿佛洛狄给予了她生命。Pygmalion and who was brought to life by Aphrodite in answer to the sculptor's pleas.

皮格马利翁对自己的作品珍爱不已,久而久之竟对这个仿人雕像产生了爱情。Pygmalion admired his own work and at last fell in love with the counterfeit creation.

卖花女已经存在了至少几千年——想想摩西假扮法老的儿子!Pygmalion is at leastthousands of years old — think of Moses passing for thePharaoh’s son!

有多少教师在课室努力工作,日复一日地研究皮格马利翁效应?how many teachers working in the classroom ? day in and day out know about the Pygmalion effect?

不管是皮格马利翁还是那喀索斯,奥巴马和欧萨玛关于权利如何挥霍这个问题都是同样的一个现实主义者的观点。Whether Pygmalion or Narcissus, Obama and Osama share a realist's vision of how power is wielded.

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其先祖即为葛拉蒂,由皮格马利翁所创造的美女。它们的赠礼是绝美外表。Their Progenitor was Galatea, the woman created by Pygmalion , and their Bestowment is Mesmerizing Appearance.

它的教授父亲正是肖伯纳作品“窈窕淑女”中亨利·希金斯的原形。His speech professor father was the real-life model for the Henry Higgins of George Bernard Shaw's "Pygmalion."

每个教师在第一次接受教师培训时,需要了解Marva,Collins和皮格马利翁效应。Every teacher in the world on the first day of teacher training need to learn about Marva Collins and Pygmalion effect.