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基于嵌套层次的缩进标记。Markup indented based on nesting level.

函数程序体应缩进四个空格。The body itself is indented four spaces.

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如果选取这个选项,新行不会缩排。When selected, new lines are not indented.

你可能注意到8行被奇怪地缩进了。You may notice that line 8 is indented strangely.

在南海有犬牙交错的海岸线。There are long indented coastlines in the South Sea.

如果选取这个选项,新行会自动缩排。When selected, new lines are automatically indented.

选取这个选项时,新行不会缩排。When this option is selected, new lines are not indented.

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请注意,是如何根据元素嵌套来缩进结构的。Note how the structure is indented based on element nesting.

被括起的语句必须多缩进四个空格。The enclosed statements should be indented four more spaces.

缩进式使用起来不够方便,因此这种形式较少使用。The indented form is not so convenient, so it is seldom used.

选取这个选项时,新行会自动缩排。When this option is selected, new lines are automatically indented.

指定主体是否在发送之前自动缩进。Specifies whether the body is automatically indented before sending.

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嵌套子节点作了缩进和项目符号以形成树层次结构。The nested children are indented and bulleted to form a tree hierarchy.

在行首使用一个或者更多的冒号可以实现缩进效果。The text can be indented using one or more colons , at the beginning of a line.

沿着犬牙交错的岛屿海岸线的无数海湾,形成了天然良港。Numerous bays along the indented coastline of the islands provide good harbours.

作业应该被缩排,不同的区块描述应该在不同的行数开始。The program should be indented so that different blocks start in different columns.

北江缩进亚得里亚海海岸已经被宣布为在世界上最清洁的海洋。Richly indented Adriatic Coast has been declared among the cleanest seas in the world.

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卵盖与卵壳连接处虽不很整齐,但并不呈锯齿状。The contact between the operculum and the shell appears to be uneven but not indented.

对于读者而言,左边平整的格式看起来比缩进式更具时代的特色。To readers, this flush left style looks more contemporary than the indented paragraph style.

让纳米级图案缩进高科技表面经过特殊浸渍铝合金表面。Makes nano-tech level patterned indented surface after special dipping on aluminum alloy surface.