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我还要肢解剩下的。I seek to dismember , a sadist fiend.

但是,请想像一个虐待狂的过渡。But imagine the transition for a sadist.

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那个男人是个施虐狂,喜欢虐待动物和人。The man was a sadist who tortured animals and people.

我是说,他们使他发出像某种野蛮的施虐狂的声音。I mean , they make him sound like some kind of brutal sadist.

萨迪,如果你是虐待狂,你也是我见过的最悲哀的一个。Sadie, if you're a sadist , you're the saddest that I've seen.

现在回想起来,我那个朋友可能有点虐待狂的倾向。Thinking back, that friend might have been some sort of sadist.

至于虐待狂,这个认同只是出现在舞台上。As for the sadist this identification only appears on the stage.

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“什么?你跟老鼠是家人,你是虐待狂吗?”女士不解地问。"What? you with the mouse is family are you a sadist? " Lady did not understand.

只是,即使在这个舞台上,虐待狂并没有看到他自己,他只是看到残馀物。Only, even on this stage, the sadist does not see himself, he only sees the remainder.

记住,如果你还继续调戏她,那么你就是个变态,应该被强烈地鄙视和谴责!Remember, if you're having fun at her expense, you're a pervert and a sadist who should be buried alive!

显而易见的,两者都以相同的方式运作,除了虐待狂以更加天真的方式运作,介入生命主体的领域。For it is quite clear that both operate in the same fashion, except that the sadist operates in a more naive fashion.

一名小偷和虐待狂,他能够靠植入技术设计全像摄影的图片。是一个被古柯碱和呱替啶混合剂控制的毒瘾患者。A thief and sadist who can project holographic images using his implants. he is a drug addict hooked on a mix of cocaine and meperidine.

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扭曲的虐待狂已经发明了一种寄生虫,百叶窗数百万的人或一个基因,包括婴儿与痛苦的水泡?What twisted sadist would have invented a parasite that blinds millions of people or a gene that covers babies with excruciating blisters?

记住,如果你还继续调戏她,那么你就是个变态,应该被强烈地鄙视和谴责!Just a small glance, and nothing more than that. Remember, if you’re having fun at her expense, you’re a pervert and a sadist who should be buried alive!

鉴于受虐者施行性暴力于不乐意的受害者,受虐者则是将一个赋有同情心的玩伴培养成一个他所欲求的冷酷且残酷的女人。Whereas the sadist wreaks sexual violence on an unwilling victim, the masochist educates a sympathetic partner to be the cold and cruel woman he desires.