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贸发局的全球商贸联系资料库约载有60万家公司的资料。The TDC's global databank stood at about 600 000 business contacts.

这项条文亦订明DNA资料库所包含的指标。This clause also sets out the indices contained in the DNA Databank.

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多语言知识库是中国语言资源数据库建设的重要组成部分。The multi-language databank is an important part of the language databank of China.

此节下的权力应该单独由DNA数据库主管执行。The powers under this section shall be exercised by the Head of DNA Databank alone.

本文概述了一套电子产品环境试验能力数据库的开发情况。This text summarizes development on environmental testing ability databank of electronic products.

复习辅导资料、考试资料丰富,免费试用、试题库巨大。Review Guidance information, examination informative, free trial, a huge databank of examination questions.

只要输入你想要查看的核糖体ID号,就可以开始你的探索之旅。Just type the Protein DataBank ID number for the ribosome that you want to look at, and then start exploring.

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即使在日本最大的信用调查公司帝国征信株式会社那里都无法找到这些企业的记录。There was also no record of the firms in the database of Japan's largest creditresearch firm, Teikoku Databank.

校舍模型之耐震评估结果除与现行耐震规范比对外,也与实际建筑所处位置之崩塌地表加速度资料库互相比较。The seismic assessments are observed with current seismic code requirements and also compared to the real buildings PGA databank.

高等教育的信息化建设,促成学校大量教育教学信息的积累。A large amount of education and teaching information is stored in university databank in higher education information construction.

第十七条的条文包含有关储存与处置贮存于DNA资料库的体内和非体内样本的条款。Clause 17 contains provision relating to the storage and disposal of an intimate and non-intimate samples stored in the DNA Databank.

一个巨大的数据库可以帮助科学家们了解儿童是怎样形成语言能力的,因为这个数据库记录了过去四年儿童的无意义的话语。A vast databank of nonsense-speak built up over the last four years could help scientists understand how children develop the power of speech.

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所建议法令中第二部包含有关建立马来西亚法医DNA数据库的规定、目标和功用。Part II of the proposed Act contains provisions relating to the establishment of Forensic DNA Databank Malaysia, its objectives and functions.

研究证明利用蛋白质数据库的结果,可以得到基因表达及其产物修饰的信息。The results suggested that the information of gene expression and post- translational modification could be obtained by the information of protein databank.

本文介绍利用PHP和数据库技术创建学科导航数据库的结构、功能及其系统的运行。This paper introduces the structure, functions and operations based on the joint use of PHP and databank technology to build the discipline-guiding databank.

建立及维护一个强有力且安全的数据库存储会员个人资料、合作伙伴资料及商业联盟资料。Create and maintain a strong, secure databank to house members' personal information, information of our strategic business alliances and promotional partners.

我们明白以上资料将被输入贸发局资料库并同意贸发局利用这些资料作推广贸易用途。We understand that above information will be included into the Council's databank and the Council can make use of our information for trade promotion purposes.

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生物信息学是蛋白质组研究不可缺少的技术,通过比较质谱分析结果与蛋白质数据库中的氨基酸序列可实现蛋白质的鉴定。Bioinformatics which is an indispensable technique can evaluate the protein by comparing the results of mass spectrometry and the amino acid rank in protein databank.

DNA数据库主管应该在必要下,或有关联到,或在此法令下行驶其功能的意义下,拥有其全部的职权。The Head of DNA Databank shall have all such powers as may be necessary for, or in connection with, or incidental to, the performance of his functions under this Act.

对于进行DNA测试和葬礼活动的所有人来说,他们希望能够建立一个真正的威尼斯人的数据银行。威尼斯人已经面临灭绝的危险。The hope of all those who took part in both the DNA tests and the funeral procession is that a databank will be created of the real Venetian, who risks becoming extinct.