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消失救济院那里的集市。The fair at the vanished poorhouse.

我确信自己已处在贫困的边缘,马上就要进济贫院了。I was certain I was on the brink of poverty, going to the poorhouse.

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甚至在一个济贫院里,你也还有舒畅、兴奋、光荣的时候。You may perhaps have some pleasant thrilling glorious hourss even in a poorhouse.

快活、激动和光荣的时光即使是在济贫院里也享受得到。You may perhaps have some pleasant, thrilling glorious hours, even in a poorhouse.

即便你在一所救济院,你也可能得到一些令人愉快的,令人兴奋的,极好的时光。You may perhaps have some pleasant, thrilling, glorious hours, even in a poorhouse.

甚至在一个救济院里,你也可能有一些舒畅、高兴、光荣的时候。You may perhaps have some pleasant, thrilling, glorious hours, even in a poorhouse.

甚至在一个救济院里,你也可能有一些愉快、兴奋、光荣的时候。You many perhaps have some pleasant , thrilling , glorious hours , even in a poorhouse.

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把我们中的大多数传送到古罗马去,基本只能住救济院或奴隶营房呢。Transport most of us to ancient Rome and we’ll find ourselves in a poorhouse or slave barracks.

于是,瞬时间又一有钱人横空出世,一个勤俭朴素的穷人家就这样湮没了。As a result, the rich blink another time Heng Kong born, a simple and thrifty and the poorhouse so the annihilation.

虽然贫穷,你也应该热爱生活,因为即使在救济院,你也有自己的快乐、幸福和辉煌的时候。Love your life, poor as it is. You may perhaps have some pleasant, thrilling, glorious hours, even in the poorhouse.

那些无儿无女的或其子女无能力、不愿意赡养他们的老人只能病死在救济院里。Those who had no children or whose children were unable or unwilling to support them typically wound up in the poorhouse.

按照我们的判断,许多近代的美国总统不算是穷苦出身,但也不能跻身总统财富榜的前十位。More recent U.S. presidents have been far from the poorhouse but, in our judgment, were not among the top 10 while in office.

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事实是,如果这个任务完全交给他,我们会因为他购买大罐腌菜而住在救济院中。The fact is, if the task were left entirely up to him, we’d be in the poorhouse on just his purchases of mega-jars of pickles.

台湾电子行业的成功,映证了台湾经济政策的成功,使得台湾人民的生活水平在二十年间从贫民跃入小康。Taiwan's success in electronics is a prime example of economic policies that lifted the island from poorhouse to powerhouse in a generation.

追求因逆境中的不屈而增色,它恍如黎明时分倾泻在克里斯书本上的第一缕晨曦,又似那黑暗的救济院中扫描仪映出的光辉。Pursuit is polished by perseverance in adversity. It shone as the first sun rays at dawn on Christ's book, and the floodlight from the scanner in the dark poorhouse.

与许多父母告诉他们选择政治学或哲学专业的孩子的相反,这些专业不见得就会让你寒酸拮据。Contrary to what many parents tell their children majoring in subjects like political science or philosophy, these degrees won't necessarily leave you in the poorhouse.

而且由于我们必须将信用卡账户与苹果公司相关联,才能内置小额支付功能,从而至少能使传统的媒体公司能够避开消费不起的人群。And since we’re obligated to link our credit cards to Apple, micropayments are built in, providing traditional media companies with at least a hope of avoiding the poorhouse.

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在十九世纪慈善会数次失控,因此派发食物的地点从教堂搬到了济贫院,后来也一直在老济贫院举行。In the XIX century the event got out of hand more than once and as a result the handout was first moved from the church to the poorhouse and later still to the Old Workhouse.

一个残缺不堪的"宝宝”原是乔的旧物,经过暴风骤雨的生活洗礼后,四肢不全,五官不整,被弃置在一个破袋子里头,贝思把它从那破旧的包袱里解救出来放到她的避难所。One forlorn fragment of dollanity had belonged to Jo and, having led a tempestuous life, was left a wreck in the rag bag, from which dreary poorhouse it was rescued by Beth and taken to her refuge.