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祂是完美的。He is perfect.

你完全符合。You're perfect.

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想拥有洁白皎齿?Want perfect teeth?

但风力发电并不完美。But it’s not perfect.

完美的早茶。A perfect morning tea.

但是世事无完美。But nothing’s perfect.

她的演技很精湛。Her acting is perfect.

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这完全是在开脱罪责。It is a perfect alibi.

没有一家公司是完美的。No company is perfect.

这完全讲得通。It makes perfect sense.

修出完美的指甲。Fake a perfect manicure.

上帝是一个完美无瑕的父亲。God is a perfect father.

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我打出完美球局!I bowled a perfect game!

完美的男人骨瘦如柴。Perfect men are scrawny.

但至少我离完美还很远。But I’m far from perfect.

我是极好的苗子。I am a perfect candidate.

没有人的生活是完美的。No one’s life is perfect.

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掷骰子是个不错的例子。Dice is a perfect example.

这个金额合适吗?Is there a perfect amount?

好极了,你穿着正合适。Perfect. It fits you well.