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我注视这他的一举一动。I watched his movements attentively.

当地重量级的人物专注地倾听。Local heavyweights listen attentively.

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她使听众听得入神。She had her audience listening attentively.

你是在欣赏塞里木湖这么出神。You are enjoying Sayram Lake so attentively.

尼塔哥帕尔留心地听着这些话。Nityagopal listened to these words attentively.

瞧,这位綦江小姑娘创作得多么聚精会神。Look, just how creative girl who Qijiang attentively.

放映员在聚精会神地移动摄影机。The projectionist was panning the camera attentively.

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放映员在聚精会神地移动摄影机。The projectionist was panning the camera attentively.

她专心听着,把他说的话一字不漏地记下来。She listened attentively and set down every word he said.

在课上你怎么细心听李先生上课都不为过。You can never listen to Mr. Li attentively enough in class.

亚当比艾伦更全神贯注地在听老师讲课。Adam is listening to the teacher more attentively than Alan.

生活就是以欣赏的眼光专心度过每一刻。Life is to live in the moment, attentively and appreciatively.

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之后我变沉沉睡去,梦中我在课堂上专心的听讲!After I changed slumber, dreams I attentively in class lecture!

在北姆普夸的时候我从来没有特意地去钓过鱼。Never do I fish as attentively as when I'm on the North Umpqua.

几件简单的工具,王月可以全神贯注地画上一天。With her simple tools, Wang can draw attentively for a whole day.

当购买食物时,仔细地阅读食物上的标签。When buying food, read attentively the labels on the food products.

认真观察其他人的谈话,聆听音乐,甚至感受岑寂。Listen attentively to the conversation of others, music, even silence.

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他坐在一个角落,聚精会神地听着。My eyes fell on Jiang Xin, who sat in a corner, listening attentively.

他静静地倾听着,享受生命里每一分钟。He was listening attentively and enjoying every precious minute of life.

中学必须把心理素质教育作为一项主要任务,认真抓好。Middle school should regard PQE as one main task & finish it attentively.