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这是一种肯定的句式。It's an affirmative.

她的回答是肯定的。Her answer is in the affirmative.

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谁能给一个肯定的答复。Who can give aan affirmative reply.

江冰洁非常肯定。River the ice Jie is very affirmative.

我们甚至可以向丑陋人群实行平权法案。We could even have affirmative action for the ugly.

但我肯定会怀念这里的生活。But my aming affirmative will think of here of life.

在上一次的重大平权行动案例中,他属于异议方。He dissented in the last major affirmative action case.

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宋迪之的肯定回答,让田宏乐上了天。Song Di affirmative answer, let Tian Hongle on the day.

我希望2010年可以交到男朋友。Step2. Write down your wish of 2010 by affirmative way.

下一个句型是一种肯定的陈述。The next pattern is an example of an affirmative statement.

我们要讲的反歧视行动问题的探讨,下回分解。when we turn to the question of affirmative action next time.

第二,这种句式为什么没有相应的肯定句?Secondly, why isn't there a corresponding affirmative pattern?

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看情形是这样,但是我还不敢完全肯定。Depends on is so, but I still don't dare completely affirmative.

陈述句可用肯定形式,也可用否定形式。The statement can be affirmative form, can also be negative forms.

黄家恩随即便肯定的回道,“很有可能。”Huang Jia En instantly then affirmative period way, "very probably."

慧眼识人,知人善任,经营有道,生意兴隆。Be affirmative with unerring intuition for his booming business tactics.

学生们讨论反歧视行动和大学招生问题。Students discuss the issue of affirmative action and college admissions.

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我朋友问他怎么样,那男子含糊而肯定地回答说没问题。Asked if he was all right, the man gave a slurred but affirmative response.

卢沛宁指出,奥巴马支持支持平权法案,但"这个制度并非完美无缺"。Lu said Obama supports affirmative action, but “the system is not perfect.”

坚定的祷告释放力量并因此成就正面的结果。Affirmative Prayers Release Powers By Which Postive Results Are Accomplished.