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曾任美国驻俄大使的伯恩斯在发言中强调了三点。Burns highlighted three points.

我把头发弄靓点怎么样?。Should I get my hair highlighted?

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我把关键点都标出来了。I have highlighted the key points.

他的讲话突出了他个人的作用。His remarks highlighted his own function.

这个无须的年轻人拥有着非常柔和的面部特征,浓浓的眼线则重点突出了他的眼睛。His eyes are highlighted by thick eyeliner.

按一下下面亮显的导出曲面。Click the derived surface highlighted below.

置换文本用蓝色突出显示。The replacement text is highlighted in blue.

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你的头发修剪过,还挑染了呢。You've had a trim and highlighted your hair.

在下图中,新特性以红色突出显示。The new features are highlighted in red below.

看看上面两个被用蓝色高量显示的字节。Look at the two bytes above highlighted in blue.

CS双制课程,强英语特色。CS double-system courses with English highlighted.

内心是澄净的,却从不点明。Is beneath pure heart, but it never is highlighted.

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她用黄色标记笔加亮了这个句子。She highlighted the sentence with her yellow marker.

回车键用来选择当前高亮显示的项目。The Return key selects the currently highlighted item.

今天,劳力士的广告则凸显了其与李娜之间的联系。Ads run by Rolex today have highlighted its ties to Li.

最常用的模式用黑体突出显示。The most commonly used patterns are highlighted in bold.

他们用一种笔形的事物一点点儿地挑染我的头发。They took a pen thing and literally highlighted my hair.

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他强调了美国政府的反恐记录。He highlighted his administration's anti-terrorism record.

现在它的功能玛瑙磨砂皮革中强调橙色。It now features Onyx Nubuck leather highlighted in orange.

上海市伫中国的地理位置。An SVG map of China with Shanghai municipality highlighted.